Friday, February 24, 2017

Section F

And More of My Writings: CC33E. Competent. Competence. Competently. Competency. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CC34E. Incompetent. Incompetence. Incompetently. Incompetency. Grossly Incompetent. Gross Incompetence. Grossly Incompetently. Gross Incompetency. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CC35E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person needs to know that Person’s Place. And that Person needs to know that Person’s Proper Place.” CC36E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Our Resources are Limited. And Our Resources are Finite. And We have Enough Mouths to Feed. And We will be Feeding Our Own Mouths.” CC37. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We live in Candy Land (CL). And We live in Toy Land (TL).” In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We will Not Tie Our Hands behind Our Backs. And We will Not Pretend to Not Know what is Happening. And We Will Not Make Ourselves Defenseless. And We Will Not Metaphorically Put Our Heads in the Sand and Pretend that We do Not Know what is Going Down. And We will Not Trick Ourselves. And We will Not allow Ourselves to be Tricked. And We Will Not Fool Ourselves. And We Will Not allow Ourselves to be Fooled. And We Will Not Sacrifice that Upon the Altar of Foolishness.” Think if someone went 3,100 Years in The Past and Told People about The Inventions, Technologies, Discoveries, Literature, Beliefs, and Events of the Present Times. The Year 1,084 BC was a Long Time Ago, and The World was a Much Different Place then. And a Lot has Happened in the Last 3,100 Years. And a Lot can Happen in the Next 3,100 Years. There is a News Article from entitled: “Ricky Gervais Predicts Trump Victory: ‘People are Tired of being Told They can’t Say Things.’” And More of My Writings: CC38E. The Power(s) Behind The Throne(s). The Power(s) (TP). Power. Powers. Throne. Thrones. Crown. Crowns. The Emperor (TE). Emperor. The Empire (TE). The Empires (TE). Empire. Empires. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CC39E. Good Faith (GF). In Good Faith (IGF). Good Faith Effort(s) (GFE). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Someone: “I find it Amusing when [a Person’s] demand for complete tolerance collides with [that Person’s] intolerance of differing opinions.” May You have a Happy Day of Pentecost. As many of You know, Pentecost Commemorates the Day described in The Bible that occurred about 2,000 years ago, when The Holy Spirit came to Many People, and People began Speaking in Tongues. And The Bible is a Great Book to Read and/or Listen to. And More of My Writings: CC40E. The Marshall. The Marshall (TM). Marshall. The Worker. The Workers. A Worker. Some Workers. The Worker (TW). The Workers (TW). A Worker (AW). Some Workers (SW). Worker. Workers. Work. Works. Working. Worked. The Royalty. The Royalties. A Royalty. Some Royalty. Some Royalties. The Royalty (TR). The Royalties (TR). A Royalty (AR). Some Royalty (SR). Some Royalties (SR). Royalty. Royalties. The Royal. The Royals. A Royal. Some Royal. Some Royals. The Royal (TR). The Royals (TR). A Royal (AR). Some Royal (SR). Some Royals (SR). Royal. Royals. The Nobility. The Nobilities. The Noble. The Nobles. A Noble. Some Nobles. A Nobility. Some Nobilities. The Nobility (TN). The Nobilities (TN). The Noble (TN). The Nobles (TN). A Noble (AN). Some Nobles (SN). A Nobility (AN). Some Nobilities (SN). Noble. Nobles. Nobility. Nobilities. The Patrician. The Patricians. A Patrician. Some Patricians. The Patrician (TP). The Patricians (TP). A Patrician (AP). Some Patricians (SP). Patrician. Patricians. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). With regard to UFOs, former US Senator and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, "I don't know. I want to see what the information shows,” and Hillary Clinton also said about UFOs, "There's enough stories out there that I don't think everybody is just sitting in their kitchen making them up." And she has also said that if she is Elected President that she Might Release more information about Area 51 and about UFOs. And, for hundreds of years, Many Individuals have Reported seeing UFOs, especially since the Famous Incident at Roswell, New Mexico in the year 1947, and Many People do Not Believe the so-called “Official” Explanation that it was Just a Weather Balloon that Crashed. And Many Individuals have also reported seeing, among other things, Aliens. And, as You can see by searching The Internet, there are said to be Information about, and Pictures of, UFOs, Aliens, Bigfoot/Sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster, Ghosts, et cetera. Here is a Quote from a Psychiatrist, Carl Jung: “Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.” Carl Jung is also a Famous Psychiatrist whose “Teachings” are found in Many Textbooks. And Many Psychiatrists and Doctors were Taught, among other things, that is was acceptable to Lobotomize Patients -- cut out parts of Their Patients’ Brains -- and also to Forcibly Electrocute Patients. And there were also, of course, Death Camp Doctors. Furthermore, as The News Indicate, currently about 200,000 or more People die each year in the United States of America alone from “Medical Errors,” which is the approximate Third Leading Cause of Death. And, as Court Cases indicate, there is also Widespread Medical Malpractice, Negligence, Mistreatment, and Misdiagnoses. While there are, of course, Many Good Doctors, Nurses, and Medical Workers, there are, of course, Many Bad Doctors, Nurses, and Medical Workers. “Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you,” which is a Quote from a Psychiatrist, Carl Jung, whose “Teachings” are found in Many Textbooks. News Headlines from Around The World: There is a Wall Street Journal News Article Entitled: “Antibodies Showing Promise Against HIV”. There is a News Article Entitled: “An Antibody that Kills HIV Found”. There is a News Article Entitled: “'Magic Bullet' Antibody Can Suppress AIDS Virus”. There is a News Article Entitled: “Scientists Say They're One Step Closer To An HIV Vaccine”. There is a News Article Entitled: “White House won’t comment on UFOs”. There is a News Article Entitled: “Justice Thomas: World Has Gone Mad with Political Correctness”. There is a News Article Entitled: “Disney Research uses RFID tags to create powerless, low-cost interactive controllers”. There is a News Article Entitled: “Atlanta AIDS epidemic as bad as in some developing countries”. There is a News Article Entitled: “Glowing Dust Galaxies Hide Secret Companions In Distant Universe”. There is a News Article Entitled: “Hepatitis C Now Kills More Americans Than Any Other Infectious Disease”. ------ There is a Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) News Article Entitled: “Archaeologists: Ancient Writings Confirm Noah's Ark”. --- Regarding The Freedom of Speech, The Author, J.K. Rowling said, “Intolerance of alternative viewpoints is spreading to places that make me, a moderate and a liberal, most uncomfortable.” And More of My Writings: Consider. Considers. Considering. Considered. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Consideration. Considerations. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Ear Plug. Ear Plugs. Ear Plugging. Ear Plugged. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Helmet. Helmets. Helmeting. Helmeted. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Uniform. Uniforms. Uniformed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Inform. Informs. Informing. Informed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Info. Information. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Tech. (Information) Technology (IT). (Information) Technologies (IT). Technological. Technologically (Advanced) (TA). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Scholar. Scholars. Scholarly. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Erudite. Erudition. Eruditions. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Crème de la Crème. Crème de la Crème (CDLC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Intellectual. Intellectuals. Intellectually. Intellectualize. Intellectualizing. Intellectualized. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Proper. Properly. Property. Properties. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Intellectual Property. Intellectual Properties. Intellectual Property (IP). Intellectual Properties (IP). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Territory. Territories. Territorial. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Intelligence. Intelligences. Intelligent. Intelligently. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Intelligence Service. Intelligence Services. Intelligence Service (IS). Intelligence Services (IS). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Service. Services. Servicing. Serviced. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Department. Departments. Departmental. Departmentally. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Section. Sections. Sectional. Sectionals. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Part. Parts. Partly. Parting. Parted. Part Way (PW). Part Way Done (PWD). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Pay. Pays. Paying. Paid. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Pay with (PW). Pays with (PW). Paying with (PW). Paid with (PW). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Pay with Antibodies. Pays with Antibodies. Paying with Antibodies. Paid with Antibodies. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Assist. Assists. Assisting. Assisted. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Asset. Assets. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Money. Monies. Monetize. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Resource. Resources. Resourcing. Resourced. Resourceful. Resourcefulness. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Woman asked The Man, “Do You know Joy?” And The Man replied, “Of course, She lives in the Brick House down the Street, and She is a Blogger and a Writer.” And The Woman replied, “No, I mean Joy the Emotion, Not Joy the Person.” And More of My Writings: CC41E. PsyOp. PsyOps. PSYOP. PSYOPS. Psychological. Operation. Operations. Psychological Operation(s) (PO). Psychological War(fare)(s) (PW). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here is a Quote from Carl Jung: "If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as a fool." The Following is from’s Article on Instincts: “Any behavior is instinctive if it is performed without being based upon prior experience (that is, in the absence of learning), and is therefore an expression of innate biological factors. Sea turtles, newly hatched on a beach, will automatically move toward the ocean. A kangaroo climbs into its mother's pouch upon being born. Honeybees communicate by dancing in the direction of a food source without formal instruction.” There are Many Good Songs to Listen to, including The Song called, “99 Luftballons” aka “99 Red Balloons”. And More of My Writings: CC42E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “A Healing Hug (HH). And Healing Hugs (HH).” CC43E. For Cause (FC). For Good Cause (FGC). For Just Cause (FJC). For Logical Cause (FLC). For Rational Cause (FRC). For Fair Cause (FFC). For Justifiable Cause (FJC). For Common Sense Cause (FCSC). For Important Cause (FIC). For Very Important Cause (FVIC). For Extremely Important Cause (FEIC). Singular Tense (ST). Plural Tense (PT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here is a Quote from Someone: “There are No Ex-Soldiers[.] Our Title is Earned[,] Never Given[,] and What’s Earned is Yours, FOREVER.” Forever. FOREVER. And More of My Writings: Update. Updates. Updating. Updated. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Current. Currents. Currently. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Present. Presents. Presenting. Presented. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Presently. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). At this Time. At that Time. At those Times. At these Times. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Now. Then. When? Where? Who? What? Why? How? About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Recover. Recovers. Recovering. Recovered. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Recovery. Recoveries. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Heal. Heals. Healing. Healed. Sort of (SO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Cure. Cures. Curing. Cured. Sort of (SO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Manage. Manages. Managing. Managed. Well Managed (WM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Manageability. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Health. Healthy. Healthful. Healthfully. Healthfulness. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Calm. Calms. Calming. Calmly. Calmed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Medicine. Medicines. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Antidote. Antidotes. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Antibodies. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Plasma. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Hug. Hugs. Hugging. Hugged. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Energy. Energies. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Vibe. Vibes. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Stuff. Stuffs. Stuffing. Stuffed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Lots of People use the Term “Anecdotal” to try to Dismiss/Discredit Real Evidence. And Many People say that Someone or Something is “Discredited,” when actually that Person and/or Thing is Not Really “Discredited” in Reality. Someone May think Someone or Something is “Discredited,” while Someone else May Very Well Think and/or Know otherwise. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Or so We have been Told by that Person.” Skeptic. Skeptics. Skepticism. Skeptical. Skeptically. Question. Questions. Questioning. Questionable. Questioned. Doubt. Doubts. Doubting. Doubted. Doubtful. Doubtfully. Care. Cares. Caring. Cared. Careful. Carefully. Carefulness. Cautious. Caution. Cautions. Cautiously. Cautioning. Cautioned. Tip Toe. Tip Toes. Tip Toeing. Tip Toed. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here are Some Jokes that I Wrote: The Man said to The Woman, “This House has 91 Bathrooms.” And The Woman replied, “Wow. How Many Bedrooms does this House Have?” And The Man Replied, “This House Has No Bedrooms, and No Kitchen, as The Bathrooms take up 100 Percent of The Space.” And The Woman replied, “What?! Are You Kidding Me? Are You Joking?” And The Man replied, “Are You Bathroom Phobic?” Another Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman, “Look at that guy eating all that Ice Cream. He must have Wrote The Book on Ice Cream Eating.” And The Woman replied, “As a Matter of Fact He Really did Write The Book on Ice Cream Eating, and it’s a Bestselling and Award Winning Book. And I have a Copy of His Book in My Purse.” And The Woman took out the Book entitled, “I Wrote the Book on Ice Cream Eating,” Written by B. Good. An often Truthful saying is that there are, “Two Sides to Every Story.” And another often Truthful saying is that there are, “Many Sides to Many Stories.” And there are different Perspectives. And there are different Opinions. And there are Different Points of View. And there are Different World Views (WV). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). In one of My Fictional Mystery Books, The Man said to a Woman, “I can’t Marry You, as I’m already a Secret Husband to My Secret Wife.” And The Woman replied, “You are a Secret Spouse? Is there anything else that I should Know?” And The Man replied, “You should also know that I am The Father to Children by My Secret Spouse, and that I am also a Lifetime Secret Member of an Organization. And We have about 999 Members, and Many of Whom are Secret Members. And 99 of Whom are My Children. And I am also a Secret Member of Many Organizations. And My Children are also Secret Members of Many Organizations. I am an Organization Member (OM). And My Children are Organization Members (OM). And I have a lot of Children. And I have 1,399 Children. And I also have a lot of Grandchildren. And I also have a lot of Family Members (FM). And Family is Very Important.” Here are Some Headlines from Around The World: Here is an Article from The Washington Post entitled: “The superbug that doctors have been dreading just reached the U.S.” . Here is an Article from entitled: “Would we want to regenerate brains of patients who are clinically dead?” Here is an Article from Yahoo entitled: “A Record-Breaking Number of Millennials Now Live With Their Parents”. Here is an Article from entitled: “For First Time In 130 Years, More Young Adults Live With Parents Than With Partners”. Here is an Article from entitled: “Virus Mutation”. Here is another Article from entitled: “Drug resistance”. Here is an Article from entitled: “New Evidence Could Overthrow the Standard View of Quantum Mechanics”. Here is an Article from entitled: “Pentagon Official Once Told Morley Safer That Reporters Who Believe the Government Are 'Stupid'”. Here is an Article from The LA Times entitled: “Whitney Houston hologram 'not ready' for duet with Christina Aguilera on 'The Voice' finale”. Here is an Article from entitled: “Jedi the Dog Senses Low Blood Glucose, Saves 7-Year-Old Master Luke”. Here is an Article from entitled: “Is the Average Stock Market Return 8%?”. Here is an Article from entitled: “Poll: Trump Leads Hillary By FIVE PERCENT Nationally”. Here is an Article from Vanity Fair entitled: “Why J.K. Rowlings Defense of Donald Trump Is So Important”. Here is a Paraphrased Quote: “[One of] The Most Advanced Machine[s] on The Planet [is The Human Body,] and They will Tell You it Had No Designer.” And More of My Writings: That is a Balancing Act. And that was a Balancing Act. And that will be a Balancing Act. And those are Balancing Acts. And those were Balancing Acts. And those will be Balancing Acts. Is/Are/Were/Was/Will/Will Be/That/Those/This/These. Balance. Balances. Balancing. Balanced. A Good Balance. Good Balances. Good Balancing. Well-Balanced. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). In one of My Writings, The Man said, "We have been Family Members (FM) for Many Years. And We have been Family Members for about 30 years. And We have also been Friends for a Long Amount of Time." And More of My Writings: CC43E. Some People like to Use Words/Terms/Phrases such as the Phrase “Confirmation Bias” or the Word “Anecdotal” to try to Deceive People. Likewise, some People will say something or someone is “Disproven” and/or “Discredited,” when that is Not Really True: someone or something May Very Well Not be “Disproven,” or “Discredited,” to Someone or to Some People or to Many People. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CC44E. Okay. Ok. K. Et Cetera. Etc. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am also Our House’s Housekeeper and Dishwasher.” Here is a Quote from The Character named “Stan,” from The Television Show called, “The Americans,” during a Conversation with “Philip”: “Trust Me, They do Things You Cannot Imagine.” On Cable Television, on May 30, 2016, on Fox News, a Woman said that a Man was an, “Equal Opportunity Offender,” and that He was a “Counter Puncher.” In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Currently, I have had at least 4 Family Members and Friends tell Me over The Years that They could tell that Certain People were Certain Members of Certain Organizations by the Way the Person Looked, with Specific Regard to Three Separate Organizations, and with Two Family Members and Friends talking about The Same Organization.” And More of My Writings: CC45E. As can be found on The Internet and Elsewhere, there is Much Information about Creationism, and there is also a lot of Information Disproving The Theory of Evolution: how, for example, could The Big Bang Originate? CC46E. Lynch Pin (LP). Lynch Pins (LP). Lynch Pinning (LP). Lynch Pinned (LP). A Lynch Pin. Some Lynch Pins. A Lynch Pinning. A Lynch Pinned. The Lynch Pin. The Lynch Pins. The Lynch Pinning. The Lynch Pinned. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CC47E. Linch Pin (LP). Linch Pins (LP). Linch Pinning (LP). Linch Pinned (LP). A Linch Pin. Some Linch Pins. A Linch Pinning. A Linch Pinned. The Linch Pin. The Linch Pins. The Linch Pinning. The Linch Pinned. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CC48E. Just because Someone or Some People or Many People may say that Someone or Something is, for example, Disgraced, does Not Necessarily make that True. And a Person, or Some People, or Many People May Not Believe and/or Know that Someone or Something is Really, for example, Disgraced. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: CC49E. The Man said to a Woman, “I do Not Need to See that in order to Believe You. And I Believe You. And I do Not Need Evidence in order to Believe You. Something is either True or False, or Good or Bad, regardless of there being any Evidence. And Not everyone knows the same things that other People Know. And some People Know certain Things that other People do Not Know.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here is a Joke that I Wrote: A Man named Brian said to a Man named Thomas, “That is a Nice Pair of Shoes, Thomas.” And Thomas replied, “What?! Why did You say that aloud?! Don’t You know that is an Invasion of Privacy!?” In one of My Writings, The Man said to another Man, “I have had Three Totally Different DNA Estimates for My Ethnicities from Three Different Companies. And One Company Said, for example, that I am about 50 Percent of an Ethnicity, while another Company Said that I am about 11 Percent of that Ethnicity, and while another Company Said that I am about 33 Percent of that Ethnicity. And these DNA Tests were all within about a year of each other, and all within about the year 2014, so it is Not like the Technology changed that Much. And when I first got My Results from one Company, it stated that I was about 70 Percent of an Ethnicity, and then a Few Days later the Results were Changed, and it stated that I was about 50 Percent of another Ethnicity. And I saved that Screen Shot. And I have saved all this Information. Am I, among other things, a Changeling? And can I change My Ethnicity and/or Race from one minute to another minute? Can My Genetics and/or DNA Change? And what about My Antibodies and/or Plasma? Are They Special Too? Can My Antibodies and/or Plasma cure Diseases? For about 24 Hours at a Time? Have You Heard about Immunotherapy, Drug Resistance, and Mutations? And The Mutations of Diseases? And Viruses Spread Easily. Are there also a few other Changelings aka Chalices who can each Cure Many Diseases for about 9 seconds each day? Are some Changelings, also known as The Chalices, able to cure Diseases? Can I cure Diseases for about 24 Hours a Day? And can the other Chalices each cure diseases for about 9 seconds a day, for a combined Curing of Disease, for the other Chalices, for approximately 9 Minutes a Day? Is the approximate Good Window to obtain from The Chalices Their Plasma and/or Their Antibodies each day from about 9 at Night to about Noon each day? As the Bible states, ‘God Works in Mysterious Ways.’ And there is another saying that states, ‘Strange yet True.’” There are Many Good Television Shows to Watch, including Talent Shows such as “America’s Got Talent.” Here are some News Headlines from Around The World: There is a News Article from Entitled: Stanford Researchers Say New Stem Cell Experiment Transforming Lives There is a News Article from Entitled: Baby Dragons Hatching In Slovenia: Olm Salamander Eggs Shed Light On These Rare And Mysterious Creatures There is a News Article from Entitled: State Department: Yep, We Deleted That Video Proving We Lied About The Iran Deal There is a News Article from Entitled: Theranos Voids Two Years of Edison Blood-Test Results There is an Article from Entitled: WHO warns against the use of inaccurate blood tests for active tuberculosis There is a News Article from Fox News Entitled: Rare 'dragon eggs' hatch in Slovenian cave | Fox News There is a News Article from Entitled: Rush Limbaugh Just Can't Figure Out Why Gorillas Exist There is a News Article from Entitled: New Quantum 'Cat State' Can Be in Two Places at Once There is a News Article from Entitled: The Ruins Of Sodom And Gomorrah Have Been Found (Proving The Bible Story Correct!) There is a News Article from Entitled: 7 new species of peacock spider discovered There is a News Article from Entitled: Giant swarm of locusts fills the sky in terrifying footage There is a News Article from Entitled: Are we nearing a cure for cancer? Holy grail is 'closer than ever' There is a News Article from CNN Entitled: Minivan-sized' sea creature found off Hawaii There is a News Article from Entitled: The sea levels are now reducing in the hotspots of acceleration of Washington and New York There is a News Article from Entitled: Superbug resistant to last-resort antibiotic found in the United States There is a News Article from Reuters Entitled: United States sees first case of bacteria resistant to all antibiotics In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is Just the Way that Father God made Him. And that is Just the Way that Father God made Her. And that is Just the Way that it is. And those are Just the Ways that those are. And that is Just The Reality. And those are Just The Realities.” And Here are some Headlines from Around The World: There is a News Article from Entitled: “MIT group develops 'mind-reading' device”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Researchers reveal mind-reading device can monitor memory in real time”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Mind-reading device allows to directly connect to the human mind”. There is a News Article from The Washington Post Entitled: “Scientists say they’ve one-upped photosynthesis with a bionic leaf”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Mind-reading device invented by scientists to eavesdrop on 'inner voice'” . There is a Video from Entitled: “7 Mysterious Objects We STILL Don't Understand”. The Following is a Quote from a Character from The Television Show called, “The Americans”: “I was Trained to Defend Myself.” In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Mother Nature is on The Move. And Mother Nature has been Moving and Grooving for Thousands of Years.” In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am also a Caretaker for Many of My Family Members (FM) and Friends.” And More Headlines from Around The World: There is a News Article from Entitled: “Revealed: vast medieval cities hidden beneath the Cambodian jungle”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Studies find 'super bacteria' in Rio's Olympic venues, top beaches”. There is a News Article from Fox News Entitled: “Scientists reportedly find super bacteria in several Rio Olympic venues | Fox News”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “7 Mysterious Secrets Hidden in Famous Works of Art”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “10 Most Mysterious Things That Can Not Be Explained”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Camera Sees People in a New Light”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “MIT's 3-D Microwave Camera Can See Through Walls”. There is a News Article from Time Magazine Entitled: “Whistleblower Claims CDC Covered Up Data Showing Vaccine-Autism Link”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Hope for multiple sclerosis cure as 23 seriously ill patients recover after 'breakthrough' stem cell treatment”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “10 Mythical Creatures That Actually Existed!”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Top 10 Historical Facts That AREN'T TRUE”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “10 Historical Figures Who Never Existed”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “There are weird bursts of energy coming from deep space”. There is a News Article about The Freedom of Speech from The Economist Entitled: “Curbs on free speech are growing tighter. It is time to speak out”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Top 10 Strangest Unsolved Mysteries”. There is a News Article from CNN Entitled: “State Department admits to deliberately cutting briefing footage on Iran deal”. And More of My Writings: There are Many Good Movies to Watch, including the 2002 Movie called, “The Four Feathers,” and in this Movie there is a scene of a False Flag Operation: Men Riding Quickly on Horses appear to be Members of The British Military (BM), when, in Fact, they are Not British, and instead they are Combatants against The British (TB). This is called a False Flag Operation, and it has happened throughout History. For example, Many People can speak with a False Accent in an attempt to appear to be a Member of a Certain Ethnicity. That is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Woman asked The Man, “Why are You Grasping Your Belly with Your Hands, and then Twirling Around?” And The Man said, “Because Jared told Me that I should Throw My Weight around More.” And The Woman said, “Jared did Not mean to Literally throw Your Weight around. He meant it Metaphorically.” And The Man said, “What, are You a Mind Reader, too? If You are, You should go on a Talent Show, as there are Many Mind Readers and other Talented People on those Talent Shows and elsewhere. Want to Watch some Rewinds on The Internet of some Mind Readers and other Talented People from Talent Shows and Elsewhere?” And The Woman replied, “Stop Literally Throwing Your Weight Around! You are going to get Dizzy!!!! Stop! Arrete! Halt!” The Bible is a Very Good Book to Read and/or Listen to. And Here is a Quote from The Bible: “And Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make You free.” And Here are More News Headlines from Around the World: There is a News Article from Entitled: “This Drug Combination Could Reverse Alzheimer's Disease, Study Says.” There is a News Article from Entitled: “Immunotherapy Brings New Hope to Cancer Fight”. There is a News Article from the Entitled: “Live NBA Finals updates: Game 7 is underway in Oakland”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Alarming rise in Utah STD rates has health officials concerned”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Kraken rumors rife as giant sea creature spotted off Antarctica by Google Earth (VIDEO, POLL)”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Shigeru Miyamoto 'Super Mario' Says 'A New Kind of Mario' May Be in Development”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Scientists decipher purpose of world's 1st computer, made by ancient Greeks”. There is a Video from Entitled: “10 Mysterious Artifacts That Should Not Exist”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “1950s quiz show scandals”. There is a Video from Entitled: “5 Mysterious Artifacts No One Can Explain”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “New paper claims that the EM Drive doesn't defy Newton's 3rd law after all”. There is a News Article from The NY Post Entitled: “Woman hits boyfriend with car after learning he has HIV”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Researchers discover new way to turn electricity into light, using graphene”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “A classic formula for pi has been discovered hidden in hydrogen atoms”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Antikythera Mechanism: Mysteries Of 2,100-Year-Old Computer Revealed After Decade-Long Research”. There is a June 23, 2016 Headline Entitled: “Texas Woman Comes Out of Surgery With British Accent.” And More of My Writings: Job(s). Present Job(s) (PJ). Past Job(s) (PJ). Future Job(s) (FJ). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Work(s). Work. Works. Working. Worked. At. Present Work (PW). Present Works (PW). Past Work (PW). Past Works (PW). Future Work (FW). Future Works (FW). Retire. Retires. Retiring. Retired. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). There is that which is Important, Very Important (VI), and Extremely Important (EI). And there is also that which is Not Important (NI), Not Very Important (NVI), and Not Extremely Important (NEI). And there are also Precedents, Important Precedents (IP), Very Important Precedents (VIP), and Extremely Important Precedents (EIP). And there are also Non-Precedents (NP), Not Important Precedents (NIP), Not Very Important Precedents (NVIP), and Not Very Extremely Important Precedents (NVEIP). An example of a very likely Not Important Precedent is when someone might have said a certain thing at a Young Age, such as at age 9, when someone is still a Kid, and when the Brain is still in Heavy Development. Another example of something that May Very Well Not be an Important Precedent is when someone says and/or does something accidently, such as Misspeaking. And Many People often Shoot The Breeze and Talk Just to Talk. And there is also the saying that, “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Words will Never Hurt Me.” And Many People Believe that someone should have Metaphorical Broad Shoulders and/or Metaphorical Thick Skin. And there is also that which is Vital, Very Vital (VV), and Extremely Vital (EV). And there is also that which is Lifesaving and/or a Lifesaver. And there is also that which is Existential -- that which is Needed for Life and/or for You to Live. Life. Alive. Live. Lives. Living. Lived. Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman, “I’m going to go Brush My Teeth and go to Sleep.” And The Woman replied, “Ahem! You’ll Need to have a Nation-Wide Referendum and Vote before You do that. Don’t You believe in Democracy? That The Majority should decide? Even if it doesn’t Really Make Sense what the Majority in certain Regions sometimes have Believed throughout History? Never Mind that there are very few, if any, Real Democracies around The World, and that the United States of America is Not a Democracy, and that The USA is a Constitutional Republic instead.” And More of My Writings: CC50E. Fog. Fogs. Fogging. Foggy. Fogged. Very. Extremely. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). Sort of (SO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: CC51E. Night Owl. Night Owls. There is a Paraphrased Quote that, “3 a.m. is often when Many Writers, Poets, and Thinkers are awake.” And More Headlines from Around the World: There is a News Article from The Associated Press entitled, “FAKE MONKS? BUDDHIST LEADERS WARN NYC TOURISTS TO BE WARY”. There is a News Article from The Scientific American entitled, “New Particle Is Both Matter and Antimatter”. There is a News Article from entitled, “THE PROBLEMS WITH CARBON-14 DATING”. There is a News Article from CNN entitled, “Rio Olympic Games drug lab suspended by WADA”. There is another News Article from CNN entitled, “Texas woman sports British accent after surgery”. There is a News Article from entitled, “Pluto May Harbor a Liquid Ocean”. There is a News Article from The New York Times entitled, “Lab-Grown Bones Successfully Implanted in Pigs”. There is a News Article from entitled, “The Ruins Of Sodom And Gomorrah Have Been Found (Proving The Bible Story Correct!)”. There is a News Article from entitled, “Antibody therapy found to delay HIV in step forward in search for new treatments and a cure”. There is a News Article from entitled, “Archaeologists: Ancient Writings Confirm Noah's Ark”. There is a News Article from the New Scientist entitled, “Hundreds of genes seen sparking to life two days after death”. There is a News Article from entitled, “Proposals to curb online speech viewed as threat to open internet”. There is a News Article from entitled, “Freedom of Speech”. There is a News Article from entitled, “New Scientific Study Explaining Where Water Came from Confirms Biblical Account”. There is a News Article from entitled, “Angels Caught On Tape (Fascinating!)”. There is a News Article from entitled, “5 Most Amazing Angels Caught On Tape”. There is a News Article from entitled, “Scientific Proof God Did The Miracle Of Parting The Red Sea (MUST SEE!)”. There is a News Article from entitled, “Noah's Ark Found in Turkey?”. There is a News Article from entitled, “This Drug Combination Could Reverse Alzheimer's Disease, Study Says”. There is a News Article from entitled, “Immunotherapy Brings New Hope to Cancer Fight”. I am a Republican. And I have been a Registered Republican for Most of My Adult Life. And Many of My Family Members (FM) are Republicans. And Many of My Family Members are Registered Republicans. And I am a Christian. And Many of My Family Members are Christians. I am an American Republican. Here is a Quote from Someone: “You are entitled to your opinion. You are NOT Entitled to TELL me what mine must be!” And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Sometimes the Best Way to Help someone is just to be near them.” In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is called Divine Justice.” Divine Justice (DJ). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here are Some News Headlines from Around the World: There is a News Article from NBC News entitled, “Scientists show they can 'read your mind' using brain scans”. There is a News Article from entitled, “Scientists Can Read Minds with Brain Scans”. And Here are some More News Headlines from Around the World: There is a News Article from Fox News entitled: “Nepal police say 36 arrested for working as fake doctors | Fox News”. There is a News Article from entitled: “Bright spot: Antarctica's ozone hole is starting to heal”. There is a News Article from USA Today entitled: “Alvin Toffler, author of influential 'Future Shock,' dead at 87”. There is a News Article from The Washington Post entitled: “Alvin Toffler, author of best-selling Future Shock and The Third Wave, dies at 87”. There is a News Article from ABC.Net.AU entitled: “Hole in the ozone layer is finally 'healing'”. There is a News Article from entitled: “Skeletal remains of Loch Ness Monster wash ashore, have Scots buzzing”. There is a News Article from entitled: “Mind-Reading Computer Instantly Decodes People's Thoughts”. There is a News Article from entitled: “New Technique Allows Scientists to Read Minds at Nearly the Speed of Thought”. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is one of His Names. And that is one of Her Names.” It is a Fact that Many Police Departments have Employed Psychics. There is also the Television Show called “Psychic Detectives.” And there is much Literature, Websites, and other Information about Psychics, including how The Police have Utilized Psychics. And the Following Website is one of Many Websites that talk about this Subject: Think what We would be asked to Believe without Proof. And Here is a Quote from Someone: “The violence is not new, it’s the cameras that are new.” Here are Some of My Mom’s Letters of Recommendation: John S.: “I have had the privilege of working with Debra for several years. A true advocate for the client. Hard working, honest and a true Real Estate Professional.” Echo S.: “During a course of working with Debra on a farm house purchase, I've observed how professional she was - a great agent to work with!” Wendy Z.: “Debra Katrena has done such great job in my real estate purchase. She is patient, thoughful, and she care for client. Even I have finished the purchasing of the property with for two years now, but when I need help or have question about the property, she is aways there for me. I am really enjoy working with her.” Rebecca B.: “Debra sold my house in Hillsboro. She did a great job and it sold fast. she also sold our house in Portland and again did an awesome job!” Katina D.: “Debra is nice, friendly, considerate. She does a thorough job with whatever she is working on. A very nice person to deal with.” Robert R.: “I have inspected several homes for Katrena's clients. It is clear to me that she has the client's interests at heart, asking pertinent questions about the house and entries in the Inspection Report. For example, while some agents try to play down some defects, Katrena makes sure the client understands the implications of the defect if it is not immediately clear. I have no hesitation in recommending Katrena to a prospective home buyer .” Laura S.: “I've known Deb for over 20 years and I have always admired her professionalism and integrity. Her passion in the Resl Estate industry shows with every client she works with. Thank you Deb!” Elizabeth L.: “I met Debra a number of years ago and was completely wowed by her knowledge. She is a seasoned professional who puts the needs and wants of her clients first. I highly recommend Debra to potential buyers and sellers. Having known quite a few Realtors over the years I found Debra to be one of the exemplary agents out there who truly shines inside and out!” David G.: “Debra is a true professional and was always working with a smile on her face and she acted with great knowledge and professionalism. She is a great credit to you world.” Jack Z.: “Debra Katrena is A very good and profession real estate agent. She responsibility and help customers.” Karen S.: “Debra worked hard with me to find a home that my husband and I would like to move into. I would recommend her as a personal realtor to anyone.” Robert M.: “I have had the pleasure of working with Debra Katrena on 2 different real estate transaction in 2004 and 2015. She was a professional in all aspects our transactions. She ensured a smooth process in all paperwork from sale to closing. The last transaction was the sale of a house in an estate sale. She arranged assistance in the process of the estate sale for not only the residential property but also the sale of personal household goods. I would gladly recommend Debra to anyone in need of a truly professional real estate agent whether buying or selling a property.” Janelle B.: “Debra Katrena is not only a dear friend but is someone who has great ethics and a strong personal drive to get any job done. I highly recommend her.” Kris R.: “I have known Debra all my life, she is a wonderful person and a great friend. She has many years of experience as a realtor and has been very successful. She would be the first person I would call if I were in the market to buy.” Sherry V.: “If you want someone who knows Oregon, and will work on your behalf, she is the one to choose! She is full of energy and will make sure you are protected. Her integrity and moral bar is one to reach for. I wouldn't hestitate to have her represent me!” Dawn D.: “We worked with Debra on the purchase of 2 houses and I have recommended her with the highest regard to all of our friends and family. Debra went out of her way to assist us, to the point of going on midnight runs looking for houses to convenience our schedule. My only regret is that I didn't use her services to sell my house.” Stacy D.: “Debra and I have worked together for 6 years now. She is such a delight! Debra is a very caring person and pays attention to the details. She offers great communication and has a high level of experience and knowledge. This is why her past clients, friends and family always refer her! I am so thankful to work with Debra and to be a part of her real estate team!” William K.: “I haven't worked with Debra on any real estate transactions but in my other professional contact I've been impressed by her attention to detail, competency and integrity.” Shane R.: “Debra helped us buy our home in North East Portland. Awesome job. Very helpful and a joy to work with!!!” Linda M.: “Debra was the listing realtor on the first condo I purchased in 2006. I was the buyer/ selling realtor. It was a very smooth transaction! Debra was a joy to work with!” And More of My Writings: CC52E. Blur. Blurs. Blurry. Blurring. Blurred. Cloud. Clouds. Cloudy. Clouding. Clouded. Murky. Mist. Mists. Misty. Fog. Fogs. Foggy. Fogging. Fogged. Fog of War (FOW). The Fog of War (TFOW). Metaphor. Metaphors. Metaphorically. Not a Metaphor (NAM). Not Metaphors (NM). Not Metaphorically (NM). Literal. Literals. Literally. Not Literal (NL). Not Literals (NL). Not Literally (NL). Actual. Actuals. Actually. Not Actual (NA). Not Actuals (NA). Not Actually (NA). Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). (Very) (Extremely) Important. (Very) (Extremely) Importantly. Not (Very) (Extremely) Important (N(V)(E)I). Not (Very) (Extremely) Importantly (N(V)(E)I). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). Present. Past. Future. Present Tense(s) (PT). Past Tense(s) (PT). Future Tense(s) (FT). Single. Singles. Singular. Singulars. Singular Tense(s) (ST). Plural. Plural Tense(s) (PT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). There are Television Shows called, “Psychic Detectives,” and “Ghost Hunters.” And Here are Some News Headlines from Around The World: There is a News Article from ABC News Entitled: “'Super Bug' Linked to Antibiotics Kills Nearly 15K Yearly, Says CDC”. There is a News Article from The Washington Post Entitled: “Superbug gene detected in a second person in the U.S.”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia Rates Rising for First Time in Years: CDC”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Obama says all Americans should be concerned by police shootings”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Don Lemon: I comply with police 'because I don't want to be killed'”. There is a News Article from ABC News Entitled: “Herpes 8 Spread Through Kissing”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Careful who you kiss: virus found in saliva associated with unexplained infertility”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “CDC monitoring 320 U.S. pregnant women with Zika”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Gonorrhoea and syphilis on the rise in the UK amid 'sexual health crisis', experts warn”. There is a News Article from CNN Entitled: “Who is Rachel Dolezal?” There is a News Article from Entitled: “A 'super bacteria' has been found in the waters of the Rio Olympics”. There is a News Article from CNN Entitled: “Ghostly fish seen alive for first time ever”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Drug-resistant bacteria found in Rio's waters”. There is a News Article from Fox News Entitled: “Nepal police say 36 arrested for working as fake doctors | Fox News”. There is a News Article from CNN Entitled: “'Super bacteria' discovered in Rio's waters”. There is a News Article from Entitled: “Disabled teen cancer patient slammed to ground by TSA, lawsuit claims”. There is a News Article from called: “What's Jack Nicholson Been Hiding Behind Those Sunglasses All These Years?” And More of My Writings: CC53E. Motive. Motives. Motivating. Motivated. Motivation. Motivations. Real. Really. Realness. Reality. Realities. Know. Knows. Knowing. Known. Knew. Unknown. Unknowing. Not Know (NK). Not Knows (NK). Not Knowing (NK). Not Known (NK). Not Knew (NK). Clear. Clearly. Unclear. Unclearly. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: CC54E. Confuse. Confuses. Confusing. Confusion. Confused. Sort of Confuse (SOC). Sort of Confuses (SOC). Sort of Confusing (SOC). Sort of Confusion (SOC). Sort of Confused (SOC). Temporarily Confuse (TC). Temporarily Confuses (TC). Temporarily Confusing (TC). Temporarily Confusion (TC). Temporarily Confused (TC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And Here are More News Headlines from Around the World: There is a News Headline Entitled: “Former Fox News commentator sentenced to prison for faking CIA ties”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “Next Big Future: Nanoparticles create invisibility at a greater range of frequencies which will allow antennas in more shapes, sizes and materials”. There is a CBS News Headline Entitled: “Cases of drug-resistant gonorrhea skyrocket”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “Political consultant convicted of impersonating a police officer in Norfolk”. There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Ghostly image captured in fatal accident pic”. There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “This STD could get a lot harder to treat”. There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Ghostly image captured in fatal accident pic”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “The CIA has a team of clairvoyants”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “A classic formula for pi has been discovered hidden in hydrogen atoms”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “Health experts: Zika threat is serious and getting bigger”. There is a NY Post News Headline Entitled: “The military will soon control swarms of drones with their minds”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “UFO Spotted Entering Earth's Atmosphere Before NASA Cut Feed To Video”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “Did NASA shut down the ISS live feed for sinister reasons? Decide for yourself”. [ISS stands for “International Space Station.] There is a Fox News Headline Entitled: “Stunning NASA image shows 'Morse code' dunes on Mars | Fox News”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “5 Most Amazing Angels Caught On Tape”. There is an News Headline Entitled: “What's Jack Nicholson Been Hiding Behind Those Sunglasses All These Years?” And More News Headlines from Around The World: There is an News Headline Entitled: “Real Angels Caught On Tape (MUST SEE!)”. There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Message from Mars? Morse code dunes found red planet”. There is a New Scientist News Headline Entitled: “Never-before-seen sea creatures filmed in worlds deepest abyss”. There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Second U.S. patient had antibiotic-resistant superbug infection”. There is a New York Times News Headline Entitled: “Philistine Cemetery Discovered”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “MCR-1 Gene Last Year Becomes New Superbug Resistant To Antibiotics”. There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Rare 'Frankenstein' galaxy discovered”. There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Fox News suspending ties with Trump veep possibility Gingrich”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “Colorado Increases Number of Refugees Diagnosed With Active TB to Sixteen”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “Fake doctor sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison”. There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “New dwarf planet discovered beyond Pluto”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “Dozens of baby sharks wash ashore from Mobile Bay; wildlife experts investigating”. There is a LA Times News Headline Entitled: “A 'slow catastrophe' unfolds as the golden age of antibiotics comes to an end” There is a ABC News Headline Entitled: “'Super Bug' Linked to Antibiotics Kills Nearly 15K Yearly, Says CDC”. There is a Washington Post News Headline Entitled: “Superbug gene detected in a second person in the U.S.”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia Rates Rising for First Time in Years: CDC”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “Obama says all Americans should be concerned by police shootings”. There is an News Headline Entitled: “Don Lemon: I comply with police 'because I don't want to be killed'”. There is an ABC News Headline Entitled: “Herpes 8 Spread Through Kissing”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “Careful who you kiss: virus found in saliva associated with unexplained infertility”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “CDC monitoring 320 U.S. pregnant women with Zika”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “A 'super bacteria' has been found in the waters of the Rio Olympics”. There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Ghostly fish seen alive for first time ever”. There is a News Headline Entitled: “Drug-resistant bacteria found in Rio's waters”. There is a Fox News Headline Entitled: “Nepal police say 36 arrested for working as fake doctors | Fox News”. There is a CNN News Headline Entitled: “Super bacteria' discovered in Rio's waters”. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We have Our Own Government. And We have Our Own Governments. And We have Our Own Military. And We have Our Own Militaries. And We have Our Own Police. And We have Our Own Members. And We have Our Own Organization. And We have Our Own Organizations. And We have Our Own Organization Member (OM). And We have Our Own Organization Members (OM). And We have Our Own Currency. And We have Our Own Currencies. And We have Our Own Money. And We have Our Own Monies. And We have Our Own Resource. And We have Our Own Resources. And We have Our Own Institution. And We have Our Own Institutions. And We have Our Own Empire. And We have Our Own Empires. And We have Our Own Destiny. And We have Our Own Destinies. And We have Our Own Law. And We have Our Own Laws. And We have Our Own Territory. And We have Our Own Territories. And We have Our Own Worker. And We have Our Own Workers. And We have Our Own Worker Member (WM). And We have Our Own Worker Members (WM). And We have Our Own Leaders. And We have Our Own History. And We have Our Own Histories. And We have Our Own Property. And We have Our Own Properties. And We have Our Own Court. And We have Our Own Courts. And We have Our Own Rule. And We have Our Own Rules. And We have Our Own Destiny. And We have Our Own Destinies. And We have Our Own People. And We have Our Own Peoples. And We have Our Own Citizens. And We have Our Own Culture. And We have Our Own Cultures. And We have Our Own Things. And We have Our Own Stuff. And We have Our Own Et Cetera. And We have Our Own Miscellaneous.” There is much Good Literature to Read, including The Poem and The Book called, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” And More of My Writings: CC55E. For the Most Part. For the Most Part (FTMP). Mostly. Often. Usually. Sometimes. Occasionally. This Many. This Many Times. That Many. That Many Times. This Much. That Much. Those Many. Those Many Times. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). The Rule of Relaxing also known as The Rule of Taking it Easy. Written by Brandon Katrena The Man said to a Woman, “It is going too Fast.” And The Woman replied, “Pardon Me?” And The Man replied, “Many things in the World are Going too Fast, and too Hard, and there will probably be a Big Metaphorical Burn Out, and, as History shows, one Extreme oftentimes leads to another Extreme. And Many Things are Too Much, and there is also Too Much departing from Good Traditions and Common Sense. As a Look around The World indicates, The Pace is Not Good. And The Pace is Bad.” The Future’s Heartfelt Wish Written by Brandon Katrena This is called “Real Economics (RE)”: The Future said to a Fellow Human, “Why don’t You chop down more Trees to make more Paper for Money to pay for Things, such as Space Ships? Wait a second. You don’t even need to do that, as Space Ships are often basically just Metals and Electronics. And Homes are often basically just Wood and Electronics. And Clothes are often basically just Cotton and Dye. It looks as though Money is often Not Really needed for Many Things. And it looks as though Capital is often Not Really needed for Many Things. Although We have been told otherwise.” In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We have God-Given Rights. And We have Natural Rights. And We have Rights. And We are Free. And We are a Free People. And We have Freedoms. And We have The Freedom of Speech. And We have The Freedom of Religion. And We have The Right to Criticize. And We have The Right to engage in Constructive Criticism. And We have The Right to Not Accept Everything. And We have The Right to have Opinions. And We have The Right to have Our Opinions. And We have Freedom.” From Jesus Walking on Water to Jesus and Lazarus coming Back from The Dead to Elijah going to Heaven on a Chariot of Fire to Miracles to The Parting of The Red Sea to The Walls of Jericho Crashing Down to Moses’s getting The Ten Commandments from God to Angels to an Animal talking to Someone and to Many other Events, The Bible is a Great Book to Read and/or Listen to. And there are Many other Good Books and Literature to Read and/or Listen to. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “It is OK to have an Opinion. And it is all Right to have an Opinion. And it is OK to have a Belief. And it is all Right to have a Belief. We have God-Given Rights. And We also have Natural Rights.” Some of My Letters of Recommendation: From Professor Robert L.: “Brandon Katrena is a student with outstanding growth potential and leadership abilities. These attributes are exemplified by his academic record and his holding of various student offices. He is highly self-motivated and energetic. I recommend him without reservation.” From Professor Sue L.: “Brandon Katrena is a highly motivated and intelligent young man. He brings to the study of history a well-rounded background of information about a variety of subjects. His ability to analyze material at a sophisticated level is outstanding. Brandon appears to be highly motivated and to master new material easily. He is an excellent student.” From Professor William D.: “Brandon Katrena is a bright young man whose academic skills are very strong. He was a student two years ago in my section of our core program for first year students, and in that class he demonstrated that he is capable of reading demanding material (for example, Plato’s Republic) carefully, thoughtfully and with good understanding. [The Dr./Professor underlined the word "Republic".] He is also able to bring his understanding to the classroom as a participant in discussion. His contributions were consistently germane to our work as a class, and he also listened reflectively to the comments of his peers. Above all, Mr. Katrena writes very well. His papers were well organized and demonstrated mastery of the reading material. He was one of the two strongest students in a class of sixteen first year students. Mr. Katrena is also a fine young man, consistently pleasant and polite in manner. He is disciplined and works very hard as a student, is responsible and honest, and has begun to show signs of leadership on the Willamette campus by participating in student government. Please feel free to contact me, should you desire further information.” Here are Some of My Letters of Recommendation: From Professor Kevin F.: “December 27, 2001 To Whom It May Concern: It is my pleasure to write on behalf of Brandon Katrena. He was in my Introductory Macroeconomics class this last fall, where he received an A. Brandon was a delightful student to have in class. He was well prepared and continually added valuable contributions to classroom discussions. He is well organized and a hard worker. He possesses an analytical mind and is very thorough in his approach to course material. He often came to office hours just to make sure that he understood the chain of logic presented in class. Brandon strikes me as one who is making good use [of] his time in college and who will make good use of his college education once he has finished. Sincerely, Kevin [F.] Assistant Professor of Economics” From High School Teacher Zita P.: “March 12, 1999 RE: Letter of Recommendation for Brandon Katrena It gives me great pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Brandon Katrena. I have known Brandon for about two-and-a-half years. Brandon is a thoughtful and very intelligent young man who is very interested in social issues. He is a quick learner and goes that ‘extra mile’ on his assignments. In the time I have known Brandon, he has shared information about his interests and classes he takes at PCC. He is involved in various student activities/organizations at Cleveland High School and is willing to take on leadership roles in those organizations. Brandon will spend that extra time researching topics and thinking about issues that impact society; he makes sure his topics have adequate breadth and depth before he presents his information. I can easily picture Brandon, several years from now, holding a leadership position in government. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Cleveland High School, [the phone number is given]. Sincerely, Zita [P.] Computer teacher/Coordinator Cleveland High School” From Professor Francoise G. R.: “January 4, 2002 To Whom It May Concern: I have known Brandon since the beginning of his freshman year at Willamette as a student in several French courses. Brandon is a joy to have in class: he works very hard and is conscientious about assignments to a fault. He is also highly motivated, energetic, and determined. His academic record is excellent with a cum[ulative] GPA of 3.9, which certainly speaks to his overall intellectual ability and academic motivation. Although Brandon has declared a major in history, he is very enthusiastic about French language and culture. He has played a leadership role in student government and as President of the French Club that he created last semester. Thanks to his efforts, his fellow students will have access to a number of co-curricular activities which would not have occurred without Brandon’s hard work and initiative. I really cannot say enough positive things about Brandon. In short, I think that Brandon is a very strong candidate for a scholarship. I recommend him very highly. Francoise [G.R.] Professor of French” From Professor Jeff E. “To whom it may concern Re: Brandon Katrena Brandon was a student of mine in the following class: BA 242 Introduction to Investments The course is a rigorous exploration of the theory of investments, investment strategy and opportunities. There is a good deal of quantitative analysis and I require student[s] to complete, as a term project, a very sophisticated evaluation of real companies using classic fundamental analysis techniques. Brandon was, in all respects, an outstanding student. He was always prepared, as evidenced by his ability to respond thoughtfully to questions posed in class. His assignments were completed on time and the quality and thoroughness of his work was excellent. At the end of the term Brandon had earned the highest total score given to any student during the three years I have been teaching this class. I am not at all surprised to learn that Brandon has continued his academic excellence at the next level. He is very deserving of any type of scholarship, grant or award for which he might apply. Best regards, Jeff [E.] Instructor – Business Administration Portland Community College” From Professor DeLyse [T.] “Subject: Brandon Katrena I recently had the pleasure of having Brandon in my Computers in Business class at PCC. In this class, Brandon demonstrated intellectual curiosity and commitment. He consistently attended class and asked thoughtful questions that indicated that he had not only done the reading, but also had been thinking about the material. He was eager, responsible and thorough in completing lab work. Furthermore, Brandon has good communication and interpersonal skills. He is personable and gets along well with others in the class. Business in Computers is a beginning level class and Brandon’s capability is unknown at this point, however in the next decades, Brandon has the potential to make a substantial contribution in the burgeoning computer field. Sincerely, DeLyse [T.] Business Administration & Computer Information Systems Instructor Portland Community College” From a Fellow College Student, Jacen [G. P.]: “Willamette University February 23, 2003 I had the pleasure of meeting Brandon Katrena during the beginning of my freshman year at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. His outstanding academic potential was demonstrated with the ease and swiftness with which Brandon absorbed and understood complex materials and source documents presented in the classes we took together. As Senator for the Associated Students of Willamette University and founder of the school’s French Club, Brandon participated in and enriched the student community in a way that all students should, but seldom do. His prose skills are revealed in his writings and experience as Copy-Editor for the Bridge newspaper, some indication of his delight in the subtle complexities of written works in both English and French. Like his academic achievements, Brandon’s volunteer work with UNICEF and Race for the Cure are commendable, and yet also serve as indications of his deeper character. There is an important and honorable distinction between those who participate and serve the communities they find themselves part of and those who are merely present. Brandon’s character is revealed best not in his commitment to academics, scholarly pursuits, or volunteerism, but the confluence of all three within a single individual. I wish that Brandon had remained longer at Willamette, but his transfer was the right thing to do for someone who was looking for a more engrossing education. And that, after all, is the best indicator of an outstanding character: the will to constantly better oneself by embracing transformative opportunities and challenges. Jacen [G. P.]” Here is another of Mom’s Letter of Recommendation: From Cheri P.: “Debra Katrena was such a pleasure to work with. She went the extra mile in helping us find just the right home. She is up beat, professional, and always there when we we needed her. If we are ever in the market again to buy a home, We will definitely be giving Debra a call.” And More of My Writings: CC56E. Channel. Channels. Channeling. Channeled. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CC57E. Award Winning. Award-Winning. Award Winning (AW). Award-Winning (AW). Award. Awards. Awarding. Awarded. Win. Wins. Winning. Won. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). The Afternoon’s (Little) Deluge Written by Brandon Katrena At first it was Sunny in The Park. Our Dogs and We are Having Fun. And We are still having Fun, even though it begins to Rain. Fresh Mud Painted Our shoes as We make Our way to Our car. Another Rainy Day in Oregon. And Maybe in Washington State too. A Rainbow Soon Dots the Sky. Father God’s Promise Expressed Long Ago. And Here are More News Headlines from Around the World: From “Rigged Voting Machines Confirmed by Experts in These Two States...So Far”. From “Don’t Think Voter Fraud Happens?” From USA Today: “Donald Trump fears 'rigged' election”. From “Wikileaks Reveals More DNC Leaks, Promises to Send Hillary to Prison”. From CNN: “CDC issues historic travel warning over Zika in Miami”. From NBC: “Trump Says He's 'Afraid' Election Is 'About to Be Rigged'”. From “Fake Andy Reid delivers Chiefs camp report as real Andy Reid stands by”. From “There is a new species of whale that nobody has seen alive”. From “Mysterious purple sea orb stymies scientists | Fox News”. From "Olympic swimmers 'certain' to pick up virus from just three teaspoons of Rio water”. From “25 Intense Archaeological Discoveries Which Rewrote History”. From “Dolly the sheep's siblings celebrating 9th birthdays bring new hope for cloning”. From “Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy”. From “A dragon has been shot dead in a house in West Malaysia”. From “20 Times Google Earth Discovered Something Terrifying”. From “Trump accuses Cruz's father of helping JFK's assassin”. From “Illinois governor apologizes for calling teachers illiterate”. From “Chinese Scientists Plan First Human Test With Gene Editing Tool”. From “Olympic doping: Retests show 45 new failures from London and Beijing”. From “Human DNA sent into SPACE to back-up species so were NEVER extinct”. From “Cloning Giant Trees”. From “Worlds Most Powerful Radio Telescope Discovers 1300 New Galaxies in Trial Run”. From “They'll Have to Rewrite the Textbooks”. From “Invisibility Cloak: New Technique To Control Nanoparticles”. From CNN: “Telescope finds hundreds of previously undetectable galaxies”. From “Gonorrhea May Soon Be Resistant to all Antibiotics”. From “Invisible particles 'seen' for the first time”. From “Invisibility Nanoparticles Used To Make Objects Disappear In Practical Form”. From “10 Magical Ways That Vinegar Can Come to Your Rescue”. From "Feast your eyes on the most detailed 3D map of the universe yet”. From “Former Fox News commentator sentenced to prison for faking CIA ties”. From "Next Big Future: Nanoparticles create invisibility at a greater range of frequencies which will allow antennas in more shapes, sizes and materials”. There are Many Good Films and Movie Trailers to Watch, including The Movie called, “Crimson Tide,” and its Movie Trailer. Here are some Old Fashioned (and often Still Wise) Sayings: “It’s Time to Pay the Piper,” and “There is No Free Lunch,” and, like a Boomerang, “What comes around goes around,” and “You made Your Bed, Now Lay in it,” and, “When The Cat’s Away, The Mouse will Play,” and, “By Hook or by Crook.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: Birthright. Birthrights. Birth Right (BR). Birth Rights (BR). By Birth (BB). Claim. Claims. Claiming. Claimed. Lay Claim (to) (LC(T)). Lay Claims (to) (LC(T)). Laying Claim (to) (LC(T)). Laying Claims (to) (LC(T)). Laid Claim (to) (LC(T)). Laid Claims (to) (LC(T)). Justice. Real Justice (RJ). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: CC58E. Ill Gotten Gain (IGG). Ill Gotten Gains (IGG). Theft. Thefts. Thievery. Thieve. Thieves. Thief. Theft by Deception (TBD). Theft by Deceptions (TBD). Unjust Enrichment (UE). Unjust Enrichments (UE). Deceive. Deceives. Deceiving. Deceived. Deception. Deceptions. Undeserving. Undeserved. Deserve. Deserves. Deserving. Deserved. Right. Wrong. Good. Bad. OK. Not Good (NG). Not Bad (NB). Not OK (NO). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Much of what someone hears by Word of Mouth is True. And a Conspiracy is simply when two or more people decided to act illegally and/or immorally. And many Courts of Law have found individuals guilty of conspiracies. There are the sayings, “Strange yet True,” and, “The Truth can be Stranger than Fiction.” And some More of My Writings: CC59E. Whatever. What ever. Whoever. Who ever. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here is one of My Mom’s Letters of Recommendation: “We have worked with Debra on multiple purchases and sales of property. She is always available to answer questions, or check on properties for us. She is very knowledgeable, and has saved us money on a number of transactions. Thanks again Deb Dave & Cheryl” Here is a Paraphrased Quote from Someone: “Instead of being focused on what You can’t see, why are You Not focused on what You can see?” And some More of My Writings: CC60E. Program. Programs. Programming. Programmed. Programmer. Programmers. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CC61E. Deprogram. Deprograms. Deprogramming. Deprogrammed. Deprogrammer. Deprogrammers. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here is a Quote from Donald Trump: “Sometimes in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues you don't choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that." Here is a Quote from Someone: “Just because you can’t see the air, doesn’t mean you stop breathing. And just because you can’t see God, doesn’t mean you stop believing.” A few years ago, I learned that Grandma Carolyn won The Marquis Who’s Who Inc., Biographical Record Award in Who’s Who of American Women – 8th Edition, 1974-1975. Here are some Jokes that I Wrote: A Man said to a Woman, “Look, there’s a Blimp up in the air there. Quick, hold up Your Head and Open Your Mouth. Maybe that Blimp will pour down soda.” And the Woman said, “What?! Don’t You know that the chances of that happening are slim to none?” And The Man replied, “Aren’t You Optimistic?” Another Joke that I Wrote: The Man opened up His Christmas Presents, and He said, “Thanks Mom and Dad for the 19th Christmas Present that I got that only had a Fly Swatter in it. Let Me guess, do all My other Presents have Fly Swatters in them?” And His Mother replied, “You must be Psychic, as yes, all Your other Christmas Presents only have Fly Swatters in them. And You can Never have too Many Fly Swatters.” Here are some Jokes that I Wrote: A Child gave a Horse a Sugar Cube, and The Horse then stood up on its Hind Legs, began to dance, and said, “Thank You for the Sugar Cube. Are there any more of them?” Another Joke that Wrote: In a Story of an Epic Baseball Team Rivalry, The Baseball Team called, “Strike Out,” played against The Baseball Team called, “39 Home Run Kings.” Another Joke that I Wrote: The Rugs that were advertised on Television were created by Sea Turtles and Otters, and they were only paid 8 Toothpicks an hour for their Labor. Some Jokes that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman, “I am thinking about Three Words. Can You guess what they are?” And The Woman replied, “I have No idea.” And The Man replied, “The Words are ‘Paradox Equinox Socks’.” And The Woman replied, “I would have guessed that had My Mind-Reading Device been Working Correctly.” And Here is another Joke that I Wrote: In the year 2016, Brian told Martha that Martha’s check for 100 Trillion Dollars is in the mail. Here is another Joke that I Wrote: “What languages do you speak?” a Woman asked a Man. The Man replied, “English, French, and Baby Talk, also known as Gurgling.” Here is another Joke that I Wrote: A Man who worked as a Greeter for a Store named “Jack’s Hardware Store” asked everyone who came through the doors, “Welcome to Jack’s Hardware Store. Did You remember to Brush Your Teeth last night?” Here is another Joke that I Wrote: A Multinational Corporation named “The Octopus and Squid Corporation” flexed its tentacles nearly everywhere. In the month of September in the year 2015, the Corporation went bankrupt and ceased to exist. Here is another Joke that I Wrote: In the 1980s, a United States Governor, while Wearing His Red, White, and Blue Boxing Trunks, had a Boxing Match Against someone. The Governor was Losing the Match Until He Said, “Time to Pay Your Cold War Taxes,” and The Governor Landed an Uppercut that Won Him the Match. A Paraphrased Typo on a Text Message said: “Do you think that Bill and His Lips arrived yet?” (A Joke Contributed by a Family Member, and Wrote with Her Permission.) Here is a Joke that I Wrote: You might Be Surprised at How Big the Mice are Here in The Pacific Northwest,” said a Man as He set down a 9 Foot Mouse Trap. The Man then said, “The Mice are also lured into the Mouse Trap by the sound of 1970s Music, and the Smell of Moldy Bananas. This 9 Foot Mouse Trap is actually used to catch the Baby Mice. The Adult Mice require a 12 Foot Mouse Trap.” And Here is another Joke that I Wrote: The Woman carried a Sign that stated that it was Round 832 of The Boxing Match. And both Boxers were in Their Corners, and Both were Extremely Exhausted. Good thing each Round of the Boxing Match only lasted for one and a half seconds. Here is a Joke that I Wrote: A Man said, “This Table is Very Odd Looking, and it sort of looks like the Offspring of a Grizzly Bear and a Salmon.” ON THE FOLLOWING WEBSITE, THE QUESTION IS ASKED, "WERE ANCIENT HUMANS ACTUALLY EXTRATERRESTRIALS?" AND SOME INDIVIDUALS BELIEVE THAT WE HUMANS ARE ALSO ALIE On the website "Gaia," the Question is asked, "Were ancient humans actually extraterrestrials?" And some Individuals believe that We Humans are also Aliens. Much Information can be found on The Internet, including Information about, “Operation Northwoods,” and “Operation Mockingbird.” --- The Following is a Quote from Yasmin Mogahed: “There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand – without you even speaking a word.” The Following are Three Quotes from Donald Trump: “Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make.” “Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.” “Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that's more productive.” News from Around The World: From CNN: “Giant petri dish helps you 'see' antibiotic resistance”. From CNN: “Vast doughnut-shaped reef found in Australia”. From “News Camera Woman Captures Angel Appearing (Live)”. From “More than two billion adults at risk of Zika -- and we still don't know its full effects”. From “Operation Mockingbird”. From “Operation Northwoods”. From “Are We Humans also Aliens?” From “All humans are 'aliens from outer space', scientist claims”. From “Do 'UFOs' hovering near International Space Station prove aliens exist?”. From “ALERT – Herman Cain Comes Forward to Expose NASTY Truth Behind Epi-Pen Scandal”. From CNN: “Singapore Zika cases increase to 56”. From “Not a Drill: SETI Is Investigating a Possible Extraterrestrial Signal From Deep Space”. From “Is Earth being contacted by ALIENS?”. From “The stars who have married in secret”. From “Colin Powell Says Hillary Clinton's 'People Have Been Trying to Pin' Email Scandal on Him”. More News from Around The World: From CNN: “Police: Fugitive disguises himself as elderly man”. From “Yes, It's Possible to Hack the Election”. From “The CIA Puts Hundreds of Declassified Documents About UFO Sightings Online, Plus 10 Tips for Investigating Flying Saucers”. From “Scientists just discovered a secret American manuscript that was hidden under paint for 500 years”. From “Sailor has 'serious infection' after racing in polluted Rio water”. From “Officials warn of rampant spread of head-shrinking virus in US territory Puerto Rico”. From “Mysterious purple sea orb stymies scientists | Fox News”. From “Another Zika case reported outside Miami's transmission zone”. From “Trump says Obama Founded ISIS”. From “Rudy Giuliani Agrees That Obama Founded ISIS”. From “Perseids: Bright Meteor Shower in August”. From “Angel Flying Beside Bus In Israel (Caught On Camera)”. From “Scientists Prove Once Again God Exist And Created Everything, Shutting Skeptics Down (MUST SEE!)”. From “Donald Trump said Obama was The Founder of ISIS”. From “Colorado Official: Rigged Election A 'Conspiracy Of Extraordinary Proportions'”. And More News from Around The World: From “Almost All Lice Are Now Treatment-Resistant”. From The “WikiLeaks offers $20,000 for information about murder of Seth Conrad Rich, DNC staffer”. From “Roger Stone: Don't Trust the Voting Machines”. From “New evidence suggests China's legendary 'great flood' might have actually happened”. From The “Scandal of the Ages: Documents Reveal Underage Chinese Gymnast”. From “Ronnie James Dio hologram makes debut”. 59 From “Donald Trump fears 'rigged' election”. From “Mysterious Tweet Sparks Fears Edward Snowden Is Missing Or Dead”. From “Ronnie James Dio hologram debuts at Wacken”. From “What Not to Say to Someone With Cancer | Healthgrades”. From “The FDA Just Greenlit Releasing Mutant Zika-killing Mosquitoes in Florida”. From “LHC Didn't Break Physics, New Particle Vanishes Upon Further Review - D-brief”. From “Mutant 'Super Lice' Outbreak Has Now Spread to Nearly Every State”. From “Recent Breaches Raise Fears of Voting System Hacks”. From “Angel Appears Live On The News (Caught On Camera)”. From “UFO over the St. Louis Arch? More video surfaces of unexplained lights”. And More of My Writings: There are Many Good Songs to Listen to, such as Depeche Mode’s songs called “Policy of Truth,” and, “Enjoy the Silence,” and R.E.M.’s song called, “Leaving New York,” as well as Madonna’s singing the song called, “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina,” in the Movie called, “Evita”. Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman during a Conversation, “Talk about Not Noticing the Elephant in The Room.” And The Woman replied, “What? Is there something obvious that I missed during Our Conversation?” And The Man replied, “No, there is Literally an Elephant in the Room,” and The Man Pointed to an Elephant that was in the Room. There is plenty of room out there in space for outer space colonies, complete with many resources. Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Man went up to 4 People at a Party, and He said, “Hey! Someone might have wrote a Book or other Literature about that. And the Internet is also a Great Resource for Research. And someone might have made a Movie, Television Show, or a Video about that Subject. Yee Haw!” In one of My Writings, The Man said, “It is a Well-Known Fact -- and as Many Individuals know -- that some of The Media Lies to You. And it is a Well-Known Fact -- and as Many Individuals know -- that some of The Media Distorts The Truth. Some of The Media Lies to You. And Some of The Media Distorts The Truth. That is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is.” Here is a Quote from Albert Einstein: “The More I study Science, the More I Believe in God.” And Here are some News from Around The World: From “Massive Cover-up Exposed: 285 Papers From 1960s-80s Reveal Robust Global Cooling Scientific Consensus”. From “A rare harvest moon eclipse is happening tonight heres what a harvest moon actually is”. From “Is a healthy lookalike standing in for Hillary Clinton?” From “The 5 Most Amazing Angels Caught On Tape”. From “Wells Fargo customers livid over phantom accounts”. From “European Space Agency release highly detailed map of Milky Way”. From The “European Space Agency maps more than one billion stars”. From “10 Angel Encounters Caught On Video”. From “Oliver Stone: DNC Hack Was Inside Job, Not Russia”. From “Teen accused of being a fake doctor arrested again”. From “WikiLeaks Offer $20,000 Reward for Information on Murdered DNC Staffer”. From “Timelapse footage shows worrying evolution of antibiotics-resistant bacteria”. From “Super-gonorrhoea outbreak is out of control”. From “Thailand finds 21 new cases of Zika in Bangkok, including pregnant woman”. And From “Researchers Discover Giraffes Are Actually Four Separate Species”. From CNN: “Surprise! We've been wrong about giraffes for centuries”. And Here is Some More News from Around the World: From “News Camera Woman Captures Angel Appearing (Live)”. From “Giant petri dish helps you 'see' antibiotic resistance”. From CNN: “Vast doughnut-shaped reef found in Australia”. From “More than two billion adults at risk of Zika -- and we still don't know its full effects”. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I’ve been around The Block a few Times. And I know one when I see one. And I know that when I see that. And I am Thankful that Father God gave Me Good Instincts.” In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That is Part of My Media Empire.” Media Empire (ME). Media Empires (ME). Grandpa Earl, May You have a Happy Birthday in Heaven. And I Thank You for all that You have done, and going to Alaska, Canada, Hawaii, California, Nevada, and Eastern Oregon with Family, Friends, and You were Great Experiences. -- Your Grandson, Brandon And Here are some More News from Around The World: From “5 things you need to know about superbugs”. From “Gonorrhea in Hawaii shows antibiotic resistance”. From “United Nations pledges to fight drug-resistant superbugs”. From The Washington Post: “Gonorrhea is more dangerous than ever as resistance to antibiotics grows”. From “Wells Fargo CEO denies bank orchestrated fraud”. From “Why we need stronger consumer protection”. From “Fed faces a credibility problem”. From “MIT researchers have figured out a way to detect emotions by using wireless signals”. From “'Serious situation': Doctors seek state of emergency over HIV rates in Saskatchewan”. -------- Here are Some Jokes that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman named Mary, “My Name is John Doe, and My Sister Here is Named Jane Doe. And I Know what You are Thinking.” And Mary said, “And What do You think that I’m Thinking?” And John Doe replied, “You are Thinking that You can’t wait to eat Spaghetti with Soda on an August Night.” And Mary Replied, “Actually, I was just thinking if those are Your Real Names.” And Here is another Joke that I Wrote: The Woman said to the Man, “I will be making My Famous and World Renowned Pink Frosted Cookies later today. Now let Me see the Palms of Your Hands and the Soles of Your Feet.” And The Man replied, “Why?” And The Woman replied, “Many People Believe, among Believing Many other Things, that there are Time Travelers, and I want to Make sure that You aren’t a Time Traveler who ate My Pink Frosted Cookies. And -- as for looking at the Soles of Your Feet -- some People have been known to eat their food that way. Now let Me get My Glasses on to see if there is any Pink Frosting there, Mr. Suspected Time Traveler.” In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person is Mad because He Knows that He Committed a Wrong and/or was Wrong, and He was also called out on it. And that Person is Mad because She Knows that She Committed a Wrong and/or was Wrong, and She was also called out on it.” In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Someone has said that I am a Wizard.” Here are More News from Around the World: From “Hidden STD Epidemic: 110 Million Infections in the US”. From “Viral Hepatitis: The Secret Epidemic”. And this Website ( is from the United States Department of Health and Human Services. From “The UN just categorized antibiotics in the food system as a crisis on par with AIDS and Ebola”. From “Obama used pseudonym in emails with Clinton”. From “Police officer charged with fabricating story that black man shot her”. Did You know that about a hundred years ago, that a Type of The Flu, the so-called “Spanish Flu,” killed about 60 Million People? And on, someone can watch an Interview of Bill Gates, entitled, “What Bill Gates is Afraid of.” In one of My Writings, The Man asked, “Are You part of ‘The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy’ that Hillary Clinton talked about in 1998?” And More of My Writings: CC62E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That that Person can Read is Significant. And that that Person can Write is also Significant. And that that Person is Literate is also Significant. And Many things are Significant. And Many things are also of Significance. And Many things are also Important. And Many things are also of Importance. And Many things are also Indications. And Many things are also Indicators. And Many things are also Indicative.” CC63E. One should Remember to Not Confuse Causation with Correlation. And Many Things have Correlation although Not Causation. For example, just because somewhere in the World it may have been 100 Degrees Fahrenheit, that does Not necessarily mean that it caused someone to score a Perfect Score on something. CC64E. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person should Metaphorically Step up to The Plate. And that Person should be Brave about that Subject. And that Person should have Courage about that Subject. And that Person should get the Job done about that Subject. And that Person should Complete that Task. Because that is Important. And because those are Important. And because that is Vital. And because those are Vital.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: CC65E. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CC66E. [Designed for -- ] [Designed to -- ] [Metaphorically Fill in The Blank.] [Metaphorically Fill in The Blanks.] Designed to Shock. Designed to be Shocking. Designed to Stun. Designed to be Stunning. Designed to Enlighten. Designed to be Enlightening. Designed to Distract. Designed to be Distracting. Designed to be (sort of) Irrelevant. Designed to Acclimate. Designed for Acclimation. Designed to Accustom. Designed for Someone or Something to (sort of) get used to. Designed to (sort of) Inoculate. Designed for (sort of) an Inoculation. Designed to Help Take Away the Shock and/or Stun Value. Designed to Help [ ]. Designed to Help Take Away [ ]. Designed to Help. Designed to Help Take Away. Designed to Prepare. Designed to Prepare for. Designed to tell a Story. Designed to tell Stories. Designed for [ ]. Designed to [ ]. Designed for. Designed to. Made for [ ]. Made to [ ]. Made for. Made to. Created for. Created to. Created for [ ]. Created to [ ]. At this Time. At those Times. At that Time. At the same Time. (Sort of) Irrelevant. (Sort of) Irrelevance. (Sort of) Relevant. (Sort of) Relevance. Distract. Distracts. Distracting. Distracted. Distraction. Distractions. Prepare. Prepares. Preparing. Prepared. Shock. Shocks. Shocking. Shocked. Stun. Stuns. Stuns. Stunning. Stunned. Design. Designs. Designing. Designed. Word. Words. Wording. Worded. Phrase. Phrases. Phrasing. Phrased. Sentence. Sentences. Sentencing. Sentenced. Paragraph. Paragraphs. Paragraphing. Paragraphed. Excerpt. Excerpts. Excerpting. Excerpted. Enlighten. Enlightens. Enlightening. Enlightened. Acclimate. Acclimates. Acclimation. Acclimations. Acclimated. Accustom. Accustoms. Accustoming. Accustomed. Inoculation. Inoculations. Inoculating. Inoculated. A Certain [ ]. Certain [ ]. A Certain. Certain. Story. Stories. Sort of (SO). Value (at). Values (at). Valuing (at). Valued (at). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: CC67E. Designed to be: Educating and/or Educational. Educate. Educates. Education. Educations. Educational. Educationally. An Educational Experience. Educational Experiences. Learn. Learns. Learning. Learned. A Learning Experience. Learning Experiences. (Very) (Extremely) Educational. (Well) (Very) (Extremely) Educated. Know. Knows. Knowing. Knew. Know How (KH). Know Hows (KH). Knowledge. Knowledges. Knowledgeable. Knowledgeability. Intelligent. Intelligence. Intelligences. So-Called “Fluid(ic)” Intelligence(s). So-Called “Crystallized” Intelligence(s). Verbal Intelligence (VI). Verbal Intelligences (VI). Mathematical Intelligence (MI). Mathematical Intelligences (MI). Verbal Genius (VG). Verbal Geniuses (VG). Mathematical Genius (MG). Mathematical Geniuses (MG). Fund of Knowledge Genius. Fund of Knowledge Geniuses. A Type of Genius (ATOG). Types of Geniuses (TOG). Genius. Geniuses. Genius at [ ]. Geniuses at [ ]. Smart at [ ]. Intelligent at [ ]. Brilliant at [ ]. Knowledgeable at [ ]. Talented at [ ]. Skilled at [ ]. Intellectual at [ ]. Intellectuals at [ ]. Intelligentsia [ ]. Intelligentsias [ ]. Scholar at [ ]. Scholars at [ ]. Erudite at [ ]. Erudites at [ ]. Expert at [ ]. Experts at [ ]. Specialist at [ ]. Specialists at [ ]. Specialize at [ ]. Specializes at [ ]. (Very) (Extremely) Smart. (Very) (Extremely) Intelligent. (Very) (Extremely) Brilliant. (Very) (Extremely) Knowledgeable. (Very) (Extremely) Talented. (Very) (Extremely) Skilled. A Type of Intelligence (ATOI). Types of Intelligence (TOI). Intellectual. Intellectuals. Intellectualize. Intellectualizing. Intellectualized. Intelligentsia. Intelligentsias. Erudite. Erudites. Erudition. Eruditions. Scholar. Scholars. Scholarly. Talent. Talents. Talented. Skill. Skills. Skills. Skilled. Expertise. Expertises. Expert. Experts. Expertly. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And Here are More News from Around The World: From “Sammy's Milk baby food recalled over bacteria fears”. From “India relocates 10,000 from around Kashmir as tensions rise”. From “Trump on Clinton: 'I can be nastier than she ever can be'”. From “'Criminal enterprise': Congress grills Wells Fargo CEO, bank fined $20mn over soldiers loans”. From The New York Daily News: “Pirates and Cubs play to a tie? Yes, that can happen, apparently”. From "Online Personality Charged With Felony Vandalism After Being Accused Of Filing False Police Report”. From “Ultra-Deep Radio Telescope Catches What Hubble Can't”. From USA Today: “A black moon will rise Friday night, but you aren't going to see it”. From Fox News: “Rare 'Black Moon' Rises Over Western Hemisphere Friday Night”. From “CDC issues Zika travel advisory for 11 Southeast Asian countries”. From The Wall Street Journal: “U.S. Signed Secret Document to Lift U.N. Sanctions on Iranian Banks”. From USA Today: “A black moon will rise Friday night, but you aren't going to see it”. From “Our section of the Milky Way might be much bigger than previously thought”. From “Photos: Reykjavik turned off their street lamps so people could watch the Northern Lights”. From “All That Is Interesting - From the beautiful to the bizarre, the most interesting website on the internet - All That Is Interesting!” And More News from Around The World: From “Panasonic just showed off an invisible TV with a fully transparent display”. From “Alien megastructure star gets more mysterious”. From “Senators call for DOJ investigation of Wells Fargo executives”. From NY Daily News: “3 arrested for allegedly running fake police force in Calif.”. From “Kim Kardashian robbed at gunpoint by men disguised as police in Paris”. From “Kim K West Robbed By Fake Police..”. From “Most Americans Don't Believe in ‘Scientific Consensus’ on Climate Change”. From “Nasa publishes faster-than-light spaceship design”. Here is a Quote from Someone: “I Remain Much More Bothered by What Hillary has Done than by What Trump has Said.” And More News from Around the World: From “Breakthrough as scientists discover how to slow down the ageing process - raising hopes of drug treatments”. From “BREAKING: WikiLeaks Exposes White House, Media & Clinton Colluding to Label Critics Conspiracy Theorists”. Some Jokes that I Wrote: The Police Officer said to a Man, “Sir, I have a Criminal Complaint that You Littered.” And The Man replied, “What?!” And The Police Officer replied, “Your House’s Garbage Can said that You did Not ask Permission to Put that Pizza Box in that Garbage Can.” And The Man replied, “Officer, that’s Not Littering.” And The Police Officer replied, “According to a Newly Passed Law regarding The Advancements in Mind-Reading Devices and The Protection of Non-Sentient Beings, it is Littering.” Another Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman, “Man, that Tart is too Tart and Sour.” And The Tart replied, “I beg Your Pardon? Do You know exactly Who You are Calling ‘Too Tart and Sour?’” And More News from Around The World: From “Observable Universe contains ten times more galaxies than previously thought”. From The Washington Post: “Trump says groping allegations are part of a global conspiracy to help Clinton”. From “88 US Generals Stand Together Against Hillary Clinton In One Massive Act Of Defiance”. From “Bias Alert: Wikileaks Exposes Media's Secret Support Of Clinton”. From “O'Reilly: At Least 3 Media Orgs Have 'Ordered Employees to Destroy Trump'”. From “Arkansas Investigates Mumps Outbreak With More Than 400 Possible Cases”. From “What is the polio-like illness paralyzing US children?” From “A Friend For Pluto: Astronomers Find New Dwarf Planet In Our Solar System”. From “Jim Henson’s Fraggle Rock Returns To HBO”. From “New room found at San Jose's Winchester Mystery House”. My Advice is to have Working Carbon Monoxide Alarms. – Brandon And More News from Around the World: From The New York Times: “In Somalia, U.S. Escalates a Shadow War”. From “U.S. escalates clandestine war against militants in Somalia, officials say”. From “SLEAZY: Leaked Email Shows [Some] Democrats Plotted To Create Fake Trump Craigslist Ads”. From “Mom Says Never To Open This Box. 18 Years Later, There’s A Note From Grandpa Inside”. From “Giuliani on Trump groping allegations: 'I believe Donald Trump'”. From “Giuliani on rigged election: 'Dead people generally vote for Democrats'”. From “U.S. detects failed North Korean missile test: Pentagon”. From “Donald Trump and his surrogates are openly predicting the election will be 'rigged'”. From “Jack Abramoff: I Was Imprisoned for Same Things Hillary Clinton Has Done”. From USA Today: “A ghost ship on Lake Superior? You decide”. From “Innate resistance to HIV”. From “U.S. detects failed North Korean missile test: Pentagon”. From “Donald Trump's 'rigged' election claim targets the media”. From “Rare Sighting on Washington Beach”. From “Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low”. From “Types of Birds”. From “Types of Elephants - Elephant Facts and Information”. From “Rigged Debates: Wikileaks Emails Confirm Media in Clinton's Pocket”. From CNN: “Religious leaders slam Clinton campaign over emails”. From CNN: “The children with an built-in defense against AIDS”. From “New Zika zone identified in Miamis Little River area, with five cases reported”. From The Washington Post: “Trump says groping allegations are part of a global conspiracy to help Clinton”. From “88 US Generals Stand Together Against Hillary Clinton In One Massive Act Of Defiance”. The Following is a Quote from Someone: “Billionaire Surrounded by 1,000’s of Beautiful Women for 40yrs “ZERO ASSAULT CLAIMS” Until Running Against Hillary!” In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I am European. And I am also 100 Percent European. And this means that all of My Ancestors are Europeans. And this also means that all of My Ancestors are 100 Percent Europeans. And this is Rare. And this is also Very Rare. And this is also Extremely Rare.” 1 And More News from Around The World: From “How brushing your teeth could help prevent a heart attack”. From "New antibiotic mined from human gut reverses drug resistance in superbugs”. From CNN: “The Great Barrier Reef is not actually dead”. From “State Dept. Offered FBI Quid Pro Quo to Alter Hillary’s Emails”. From “Watch: New Bombshell video just released by James O'Keefe on Mass Voter Fraud”. From The Washington Post: “Despite Obamas pledge to make the government more open, a report shows secret laws still abound”. From CNN: “World's creepiest underground marvels”. From “Mysterious 'secret chambers' found in Egypt's 4,500-year-old Pyramid of Giza”. From “Undercover Video: Democrats Admit To Inciting Violence And 'Anarchy' At Trump Rallies”. From “Here's A List Of The 17 Most Damaging WikiLeaks Emails Released So Far | The Sean Hannity Show”. From “Rep. Steve King: 'Significant evidence' of voter fraud”. From “World's creepiest underground marvels”. From “Mysterious 'secret chambers' found in Egypt's 4,500-year-old Pyramid of Giza”. From “Is the system rigged? You betcha”. From “Warming Alarmists Redefine What A Hurricane Is So We'll Have More Of Them”. From “MIT nuclear fusion record marks latest step towards unlimited clean energy”. From USA Today: “Defiant Donald Trump doubles down on conspiracy claims”. From “3 sex-spread diseases hit another record high, CDC says”. From “Bizarre video shows Bigfoot walking through a waterfall in Indonesia”. Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Man called a Customer Service Agent, and The Customer Service Agent said, “Hello, this is the Very and Extremely Great, Awesome, and Excellent Sweepstakes Company, how may I Help You?” And The Man replied, “Hi, yes, I read the rules for Your Sweepstakes, and the rules online state that My Sweepstakes Entry is only Valid between the Hours of 1:00 p.m. EST to 1:00 p.m. and one second EST. And, I’m sure that that is a mistake, as a one second Window is . …” And The Customer Service Agent Interrupted, and He said, “Yes, that is True. And We are Not a Shady and Corrupt Corporation at all. You DID only have one second each day for Your Sweepstakes Entry to be Valid. And as of Yesterday, the Rules changed, and You now have only Negative 39.1234 Seconds each day for Your Sweepstakes Entry to be Valid. You Need to Obey the Rules. And You also Need to Obey all of the Rules. Forget that You are Born with Natural Rights. And Forget that You are Born with God-Given Rights. Forget that which is Innate. And Forget that which is Inherent.” And The Man said, “That is Impossible to enter The Sweepstakes in a Negative Amount of Time. How is that Possible?” And The Customer Service Agent Replied, “So? So What?! Who cares. The Rules are the Rules. And the Regulations are the Regulations. And The Laws are the Laws. It doesn’t matter if some of them are Bad or do Not make sense. Why are You asking for an Explanation from Me? Do You Really think that I’m a Rocket Scientist? You should Believe Me, even if I told You that I am a Blue Bird, and a Lion, and a Bear, and a Salmon, and a Rock, and a Sword. You should be More Trusting. Why Don’t You Trust Me about this? Are Your God-Given Instincts Telling You something?” We should have some Outer Space Colonies. And More of My Writings: CC68E. Phony. Phonies. Fake. Fakes. Faker. Fakers. Fraud. Frauds. Fraudulent. Fraudulence. Trojan Horse. Trojan Horses. Impostor. Impostors. Trick. Tricks. Tricking. Tricked. Trickery. And Here is a Quote from Laura Ingraham: “You know why Donald Trump won the nomination? It’s because he dared to call out the phonies, the frauds, and the corruption that has gone unexposed and uncovered for too long.” And More News from Around The World: From “25 New 'Dead Sea Scrolls' Revealed”. From “European Space Agency Says Signal Confirms Mars Probe Entered Atmosphere, Still Awaiting Confirmation of Landing”. From CNN: “STD rates reach record high in United States”. From “A secret Nazi military base has been discovered in the Arctic”. From CNN: “Astronomers unveil incredibly detailed new Milky Way map”. From “Breaking! British Politician says Russia has NOTHING to do with the DNC Email Leaks!”. From “Julian Assange Reveals Hillary’s Criminals ! Hackers aren’t Russian , they are DEMOCRAT “WHISTLEBLOWERS”!”. From “Iraqi refugee who raped a 10-year-old boy has conviction overturned,” and because of a supposed Language Barrier there will be a retrial. From “Sexually Transmitted Disease Cases Hit New High in U.S.”. I had a Great Time at the Beach with Family and Friends. -- Brandon Here are some Jokes that I Wrote The Man said to a Woman, “We’ll play it by Ear with regard to what We will do on Our Vacation at The Beach.” And The Woman replied, “Don’t You get Tired of Playing with Your Ears?” And The Man replied, “I was Speaking Metaphorically.” And The Woman replied, “How Many Years did You Study in School to learn how to speak Metaphorically?” And The Man Replied, “That Phrase is a Metaphor.” And The Woman replied, “The English Language is a Complex Language, and Many People think that it is also a Hard Language to Learn and to Master, and I don’t know how to speak The Metaphor Language.” Another Joke that I Wrote: The Man asked a Woman, “Do You think that it is Very Boring in the City of Boring, Oregon?” And Here is another Joke that I Wrote The Man said to a Lawyer, “I want to Sue Myself for Me losing a Pair of My Leather Gloves.” And The Attorney said, “You can’t Sue Yourself. And that doesn’t make Sense to Sue Yourself. And May I also emphasis that Losing a Pair of Leather Gloves would probably Not be worth Suing Anyone over.” And The Man said, “I should be able to Sue Myself if I want to Sue Myself. Why are You so Judgmental?” Here is a Quote from Someone: “[B]elieve it or not; this book [The Holy Bible] is being played out right before our eyes and the world doesn’t even see it.” At Beautiful Savior Lutheran Preschool, We sometimes sang the Song entitled, “This Little Light of Mine”: “This Little Light of Mine, I’m gonna Let it Shine. This Little Light of Mine, I’m gonna Let it Shine. Hide it Under a Bush, Oh No! I’m Gonna Let it Shine. Let it Shine. Let it Shine. Let it Shine.” And More News from Around The World: From “Alaska's mysterious "Ice Monster" sparks comparisons to Loch Ness”. From “Stephen Hawking leads 'alien megastructure' probe”. From “Hillary Reboots Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Playbook”. And also from “Watchdog Alleges Virginia Prepping to Accommodate Mass Voter Fraud”. From “How America’s Elections Are Hacked, Missing Link Discovered”. Debra Katrena Realtor- Premiere Property Group My Son is very gifted and I look forward to having the opportunity to read the books he is currently writing. Brandon is an exceptionally wonderful human being and I am very proud to call him my Son. Debra Katrena I had a Great Time visiting with a Family Member while eating lunch at a Restaurant today. – Brandon Go Cubs! I Hope that You Win, Cubs. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I will Neither Confirm or Deny that. And I will Not Talk about that. And I will Not Discuss that. And I will Not Comment about that. And No Comment. No Comment.” No Comment (NC). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). In one of My Writings, The Man said, “I have Drank Many Good Drinks. And I have Eaten Many Good Foods. And I have done Many Good Things. And, overall, I have had a Pretty Good Life.” In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone: “Don’t Take The Bait. And Don’t Fall for That Trap.” Bait. Baits. Baiting. Baited. Trap. Traps. Trapping. Trapped. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More News from Around The World: From “Shocking: CNN Caught Editing Trump’s Words To Change What He Said”. From “NBC Local News Accidentally Posts US Election Results A Week Early, Shows A Clinton "Win"”. From “CDC identifies first US cases of drug-resistant fungal infection”. And Drug Resistance to Diseases is, of course, Very Real. And Many Diseases are, of course, Widespread. Epidemic. Epidemics. I voted in The Federal, State, and Local Elections. And More of My Writings: CD1E. That Got that Out of His System. That Got that Out of Her System. That Got that Out of That Person’s System. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). In one of My Writings, The Man said, “Like Many Individuals, I May have Misspoke. And, like Many Individuals, I May have Made a Mistake. And, like Many Individuals, I May have made a Typo. This Happens. And this is Reality. And these are The Realities. And this is Just the Way that it is.” In one of My Writings, The Person said to Someone, "You know that just by looking at Someone." And More News from Around The World: From “Donald Trump to soon receive intel 'crown jewels'”. And also from “Possible Ebola exposure in Canadian health lab”. From “Louisiana Voting Machine Logged Votes Before Poll Opened”. From “Leaked NASA Paper Shows the 'Impossible' EM Drive Really Does Work”. In one of My Writings, The Man Thought to Himself: “The Stuff Mutated.” And More News from Around The World: From “Trump now has access to nation's most valuable intelligence”. From “Trump to Receive Same Daily Intel Brief as Obama”. From “Florida Keys Voters Split on Genetically Modified Mosquito Trial”. From “Martin Armstrong Exposes "The Real Clinton Conspiracy" Which Backfired Dramatically | Zero Hedge”. From “Anti-Trump Protests Continue for a 3rd Night”. From “Amy Schumer Says Vow to Leave U.S. if Trump Won Was a Joke”. From The “Assassination threats against Trump flood Twitter”. From “Megyn Kelly: I May Have Been Poisoned Before First Republican Debate”. From “Megyn Kelly Poisoned the morning of debate or stomach bug??? takes issue with 'NYT' book review, page 1”. From “Here's how to see the biggest supermoon since 1948”. From “Full moon so rare it hasn't been seen in 50 years rises Monday”. Here is another Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman, “We are going to have to Fix Our Window Curtains, as They are Slanted.” And The Woman replied, “You just now noticed that?! Our Window Curtains have been slanted for about 8,000 Years. And do You think that I put a Typo in what I just said aloud?” And More of My Writings: CD2E. Term of Endearment (TOE). Terms of Endearment (TOE). Term. Terms. Endear. Endears. Endearing. Endeared. To Me (TM). To Him (TH). To Her (TH). To Them (TT). To You (TY). To Us (TU). We. Them. You. He. She. Him. Her. Us. Me. I. Your. Our. Their. His. Her. They. We. -- Written by Brandon Ryan Katrena (BRK) And More of My Writings: Reality will Shine Brightly around The World. And Goodness, too, will Shine Brightly around The World. And Here is a Quote from President Obama: “Reality has a Way of Asserting Itself.” And Here is a Quote from Someone: “The Truth will Out.” And, eventually, The Truth has a Tendency to often Make itself Known. And Here are some More of My Writings: In one of My Writings, The Man said, “That Person is in The Know. And that Person knows about that. And that Person is Knowledgeable about that. And that Person is Knowledgeable.” In The Know. Knowledge. Knowledgeable. Know. Knows. Knowing. Knew. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More News from Around The World: From “People are donating to Planned Parenthood as Mike Pence.” From “Celebrities Are Donating To Planned Parenthood In Mike Pence's Name”. From “Islamic State used fake tanks to confuse airstrikes”. From The “3,000-Year-Old Mummy Found in Egyptian Tomb”. From “30,000 chickens culled in Germany after bird flu detected”. From “David Brooks: Trump Will Resign or Be Impeached within a Year”. From “BREAKING NEWS: Two Officers Shot In Texas In Critical Condition… They Need Prayers Now”. From The “President-elect Donald Trump is about to learn the nations deep secrets”. And some More of My Writings: CD3E. There is information about The Economic and Philosophical Concept of “The Invisible Hand (TIH).” CD4E. And Here is a Quote from Someone: “Thank God IF YOU CAN READ THIS.” CD5E. And Here is another Quote from Someone: “Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.” Here is a Quote from Someone: “The United States is not a democracy. It’s a republic. In a democracy, the majority rules. In a republic, the individual is protected from the majority.” And More News from Around The World: From “Alzheimer's Disease: Diagnosis & Tests”. From “A how-to guide: Building a new civilization... in space”. From “Rare Sighting of Albino Deer Caught on Camera in Wisconsin”. From “Experts war over whether 'lost' Van Gogh notebook is real”. From “Gene Editing Tool CRISPR-CAS9 Used in a Human For the First Time”. From “Mumps outbreak spreading at University of Missouri”. From “Americans' trust in media at all-time low”. From “Trust in Mass Media Returns to All-Time Low”. From “Researchers identify antibody that neutralizes 98% of HIV strains”. From “Starvation killed 80,000 reindeer after unusual Arctic rains cut off the animals' food supply”. From “How to fix the fake news problem”. From “Pluto could harbor a subterranean icy ocean”. From “Professor predicted Trump win, says he will be impeached”. From “CRISPR gene-editing tested in a person for the first time”. Think if someone went to New York in the Year 1803 and Told People about The Inventions, Technologies, Discoveries, Literature, Beliefs, and Events of the Present Times. The Year 1803 was a Long Time Ago, and The World was a Much Different Place then. And a Lot has Happened in the Last 213 Years. And a Lot can Happen in the Next 213 Years. And Here is some More News from Around The World: From “NIH Scientists Identify Potent Antibody that Neutralizes Nearly All HIV Strains”. From “The Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic, 2006”. From “The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States”. From “Mystery sphere spotted 'zooming past sun' by NASA satellites”. From “It's Official: NASA's Peer-Reviewed EM Drive Paper Has Finally Been Published”. From “Phony Catholic priest sentenced again to jail in Los Angeles: ‘You can’t go into a church and pretend’”, which is about someone who Pretended to be a Catholic Priest. And there are, of course, Many Impostors. 8 In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone, “Your Party Time is Over. And there is No More Party Time for You.” Think what We would be asked to Believe without Proof. And Here is a Quote from Someone: “The violence is not new, it’s the cameras that are new.” And More News from Around The World: From “'Miniantibodies' Reduce Inflammation and Pain”. From “Antarctic Sea Ice Has Not Shrunk In 100 Years”. From The “TMZ: Kanye West Had Temporary Psychosis”. From “Kanye West Suffering From 'Temporary Psychosis Due to Sleep Deprivation': Report”. From “Twitter accidentally suspends its own CEO's account”. From “Aids epidemic under control by 2030 'is possible' - BBC News”. From “Eli Lilly's promising Alzheimer's drug fails in clinical trial”. From “Is Julian Assange Dead? Wikileaks Founder Possibly Silenced Over Pizzagate”. From “HIV/AIDS: From Epidemic to Pandemic”. There is the Website,, which has information about Many Products that have been recalled. From “Sabra hummus recall expanded”. From “Crow Is Drowning At The Zoo, Then This Killer Bear Takes Matters Into His Own Claws”. There are Many Interesting Movies to Watch, including The 1990 Film called, “Jacob’s Ladder”. There is The Weekly Standard Article entitled, “The War on Truth.” And there has been, of course, a War on Truth. And Here is Some More News from Around The World: From “After new regulations, Oklahoma's earthquakes calm down a bit”. From “University Stuns World: Pledges To Support Free Speech, "Censorship Is Not The Answer"” From “Kanye West's brother has revealed rapper is terrified people are trying to kill him”. From “Astronauts in space spooked by mystery knocking sound that no one can explain”. From The “Drug-Resistant Outbreak Linked To Livestock Used In 4-H Projects”. From The “Egyptian Archaeologists Just Discovered a 7,000-Year-Old Lost City Along the Nile”. From “The diseases we've overlooked for too long”. From “Cuba's Fidel Castro survived assassination attempts, officials say”. From “Microsoft Confirms Its Chinese-language Chatbot Filters Certain Topics”. From “Cyber Monday scams targeting shoppers, FBI warns”. From “Millions Cast Votes Illegally, Trump Claims”. From The “State’s first locally transmitted Zika virus found in South Texas”. From The “The War on Truth”. From “Donald Trump blasts recount as 'ridiculous' and 'a scam'”. From “Mexico: Dozens of bodies found in hidden graves”. From “Strange star has E.T. seekers looking closely for signs of life”. From “Theory that challenges Einstein's physics could soon be put to the test”. From “Trump Slams Recount Push as 'a Scam,' says Election is Over”. And More of My Writings: CD6E. List. Lists. Listing. Listed. List of [ ]. Lists of [ ]. List of Information. Lists of Information. [ ]. [ ]. This Person has done this. And this Person has Not done this. This has been done. And this has Not been done. This has Occurred. And this has Not Occurred. This has Happened. And this has Not Happened. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Much Information can be found on the Internet and elsewhere. And Internet Search Engines are Useful. And here is a Quote: “This is the First Photo of Apollo 12 Landing on The Moon. Who took the Pic[?]” And More News from Around The World: From “Ohio Senate Passes Bill to Ban All Abortions After an Unborn Baby's Heartbeat Begins”. From “Naomi Judd details life-threatening depression”. From “Lady Gaga reveals she has PTSD”. From “Aerial timelapse tool reveals how the mysterious Area 51 has expanded”. From “Strange Trumpet Sounds Heard Over US, Canada, Australia, Other Countries: From God, Aliens, Or Just Our Planet?”. From The “One World Trade Center Makes Strange, Ghostly Sounds In Lower Manhattan (VIDEOS)”. From “Mumps Outbreaks Are Worst in a Decade”. From “Snowden says Petraeus shared 'far more highly classified material than I ever did'”. From “Vice President-Elect Defends Trump's Unsubstantiated Claim of 'Millions' of Illegal Votes”. From “Police use 'fake news' in gang ruse; media criticize tactics as dishonest”. From “Hawaii snowfall: Parts of state receive weather warning”. From “This Fake U.S. Embassy Sold Illegal Visas for a Decade”. From “Four new elements on the periodic table now have names”. From “Chemists officially add new elements to the periodic table”. From “Pluto is hiding a gigantic liquid ocean you would never, ever want to swim in”. From “Mysterious crop circles appear in Washington wheat field”. From “We Just Got the First Real Evidence of a Strange Quantum Distortion in Empty Space”. And More News from Around The World: From “Trump: US doesn't 'have to be bound' by 'one China' policy”. From “Trump: 'Nobody really knows' if climate change is real”. From “Superbugs killing more people than breast cancer, trust warns”. From “US mumps cases at highest level in 10 years”. From “Ohio passes 2nd bill restricting abortions; both await Kasich's signature”. From “Flash mob brings money to mom battling cancer”. From “Pharmaceutical Executives Charged in Racketeering Scheme”. From “Brian Williams complains about fake news - just 21 months after he lost his job on NBC Nightly News for telling made up stories”. From “Hillary Clinton calls fake news 'an epidemic'”. From “Pope warns media over "sin" of spreading fake news, smearing politicians”. From “Donald Trump Unleashes on 'Corrupt,' 'Dishonest' Media”. From “Trump: Dishonest Media "Can't Handle The Truth," "I Don't Believe The Polls Anymore"”. From “Denzel Washington: Media Should 'Tell the Truth,' Stop 'BS'”. From “Pope warns media over "sin" of spreading fake news, smearing politicians”. From “Ohio Senate Passes Bill to Ban All Abortions After an Unborn Baby's Heartbeat Begins”. From “100 reasons why climate change is natural”. And More News from Around The World: From “Cuisinart food processors recalled due to laceration hazard”. From “Julian Assange: 'Our Source Is Not the Russian Government'” . From “Scientists reverse ageing in mammals and predict human trials within 10 years”. From “TripAdvisor users threaten to leave bad reviews to 'blackmail' owners into giving refunds over unfair complaints”. From “Judge orders Colorado electors to vote for Hillary Clinton”. From “Archaeologists find a 2,500 year old lost city in Greece”. From “Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroits precincts”. From “Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election”. From “Super-strong syphilis more widespread than they previously thought”. From “California professor caught on video calling Trump's election 'terrorism'”. From “The hidden details in art's masterpieces”. From “One in 6 Americans take antidepressants, other psychiatric drugs”. It is a Good Idea to Have Working Carbon Monoxide Alarms. -- BRK And some More of My Writings: CD7E. Line Item Veto (LIV). Line Item Vetoes (LIV). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And Some More News from Around The World: From “Line-item veto”. From “Rainbow snake, tiny frog among new Mekong species”. From “Six pharmaceutical firms accused of price-fixing”. From “Scientists think this ghost shark has not been seen on video before until now”. From “Antibiotic resistance will hit a terrible tipping point in 2017”. From “Antibiotic / Antimicrobial Resistance | CDC”. From “Mystery as police escort MASSIVE object in huge convoy but is it state secrets, nuclear waste or even aliens?” From “New DNA testing planned in JonBenet Ramsey 20-year-old cold case”. From “Fusion world record brings us a step closer to limitless energy”. From “U.S. Files First Charges in Generic Drug Price-Fixing Probe”. As of December 20, 2016: While I have Never seen or heard a UFO, many Individuals have said that they have seen and/or heard a UFO. And while I have Never seen or heard an Alien, many Individuals have said that they have seen and/or heard an Alien. And while I have Never seen or heard an Angel, many Individuals have said that they have seen and/or heard an Angel. And while I have Never seen or heard a Ghost, many Individuals have said that they have seen and/or heard a Ghost. Additionally, I have Not seen or heard many things, such as a Leprechaun, Unicorn, Dragon, and Ogre. And there are many Good Books, and other Literature, to read, in moderation. And there are many Good Movies, Television Shows, and Music Videos to watch, in moderation. And there is much Good Music to listen to, in moderation. And while I have Never seen or heard a Sasquatch (aka a Bigfoot), Many Individuals have said that They have seen and/or heard a Sasquatch (aka a Bigfoot). And while I have Never seen or heard The Loch Ness Monster, Many Individuals have said that They have seen and/or heard The Loch Ness Monster. And while I have Never seen or heard Many Certain Things, Many Individuals have said that They have seen and/or heard Certain Things. -- Brandon Ryan Katrena (BRK) Here is a Quote by US President Thomas Jefferson: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered." And Here is a Quote by Sir Josiah Stamp: “If you want to remain slaves of the bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control the nation's credit.” And More News from Around The World: From “The Real 'Fake News' Comes From The Mainstream Media”. From “IMF head Lagarde convicted in French negligence trial”. From “Warnings of imminent extinction crisis for largest wild animal species”. From “The History You Know is Wrong”. From “Laser helps unlock antimatter secrets”. And More News from Around The World: From “FBI director: Cover up your webcam”. From “Antibiotic resistance is real, warns professor”. From “Analysis of more than 50,000 genomes hints at new disease-causing genes”. From “Are aliens trying to contact us? 6 blasts of radio energy are detected”. Here is a Quote from Someone, and The Original Quote is in all Capitalized Letters: “Remember that Time Republicans Rioted, Beat Innocent Democratic Voters, Destroyed Property, and Torched American Flags? Me Neither.” And some More of My Writings: CD8E. Fix. Fixes. Fixing. Fixings. Fixed. Fixer. Fixers. The. A. An. And. Moreover. Furthermore. Additionally. In Addition (IA). Some (of). Sort of. Those. These. That. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More News from Around The World: From “Six more radio signals from deep space deepen mystery: Are we being hailed by intelligent beings?” From “Bush economist warns: Be 'very afraid' about globalization's next phase”. From “Scans unveil secrets of world's oldest mummies”. FEMA is an acronym that stands for Federal Emergency Management Agency. And the following are My Contributions at “Memberships [ 1 ][-] • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Activity Stream [27][+] Ideas Contributed [ 3 ][-] Sort Options: Date | Votes CAMPAIGN:DISASTER RESILIENCE INDICATORS In Preparation for the Unlikely Event of Biological Warfare In preparation for the unlikely event of biological warfare, organizations should make sure that there are stockpiles of vaccines and treatments for illnesses and diseases. -- Brandon Submitted by You in Dec 2014 VOTING 10votes VOTING DISABLED 11up votes 1down votes • ACTIVE ACTIVE CAMPAIGN:STRATEGIC FORESIGHT INITIATIVE: PUTTING FORESIGHT INTO PRACTICE Protecting our Vital Infrastructure Our Vital Infrastructure, such as our Power Grids, should be protected against the possibility of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack. As the truthful saying states, “An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.” -- Brandon Katrena Submitted by You in Apr 2014 VOTING -3votes VOTING DISABLED 3up votes 6down votes • ACTIVE ACTIVE CAMPAIGN:EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, HEALTHCARE AND PUBLIC HEALTH Radiation Medicines In the unlikely event of a nuclear missile strike, organizations should make sure that there are Radiation Medicines. -- Brandon Katrena Submitted by You in Jul 2013 VOTING 2votes VOTING DISABLED 6up votes 4down votes • ACTIVE ACTIVE Displaying all 3 Ideas Notifications [0]”. The Following is a Quote from Someone: “God will never leave you empty. [H]e will replace everything you lost. If he asks you to put something down, it’s because he wants you to pick up something greater.” There was, of course, The Ice Age. And Father God made it so that Temperatures, of course, go Up, and Temperatures, of course, go Down, with there being a variety of Temperatures. And Many Individuals used to believe that there was going to be a lot of Global Cooling. And Many Papers and Articles were written talking about soon to be Global Cooling. And there used to be a somewhat Global Cooling Consensus. – BRK Here is a Quote from Donald Trump: "I also know things that other people don't know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation." And More News from Around The World: From “Ghosts haunt our palace, says Swedish queen”. From “Julian Assange: Russian government not the source of leaked emails”. From “Police officers detained in Myanmar over disturbing video”. From “Finland is giving 2,000 citizens a guaranteed income”. From The “Pope Francis Condemns 'Plague Of Terrorism' In New Year's Address”. From “Spicer: Media Freaked Out By Trump Using Twitter to Have a Direct Conversation With Americans”. From “Washington Post retracts story about Russian hack at Vermont utility”. From “Instincts”. From “"Something Stinks" - Like Iraq WMD Fiasco, Russia Story Doesn't Add Up | Zero Hedge”. From “This chilling 'Star Wars blaster fire' sound coming from the Northern Lights has got everyone spooked”. From The “Study Predicts Decades Of Global Cooling Ahead”. From “To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here”. From “Global Warming May Cancel Next Ice Age”. From “Global warming could stave off next ice age for 100,000 years”. From “Donald Trump praises 'very smart' Vladimir Putin for not expelling US diplomats in response to sanctions”. From “Bill Gates: Epidemic Soon 'Would Be a Tragedy' Because We're Not Ready”. From “Donald J. Trump on Twitter”. From “Skeptical Climate Scientists Coming In From the Cold”. From “Bill Gates warns world 'vulnerable' to deadly epidemic in next decade”. From “COLD HARD FACTS? Satellite spots MASSIVE object hidden under the frozen wastes of Antarctica”. From “Chicago Cubs: World Series win voted top AP sports story of 2016”. From “Six more radio signals from deep space deepen mystery: Are we being hailed by intelligent beings?” From “Bush economist warns: Be 'very afraid' about globalization's next phase”. What is Your Opinion about Crop Circles? Many Crop Circles have been discovered over the years. While I, Brandon, have Not Seen or Heard any of the following, Many Individuals have said that they have Seen and/or Heard the following: 1.) Angel; 2.) Alien; 3.) UFO; 4.) Bigfoot; 5.) Ghost; 6.) Loch Ness Monster; 7.) That which is Paranormal; 8.) That which is Supernatural. Have You Seen and/or Heard any of these? There are also supposed pictures and/or other evidence of these, and there is much Good Literature to Read, and there are also Many Good Movies and Television Shows to watch, in moderation. And Several Individuals have told Me that they have seen UFOs. Please feel free to Write Your Comments, including Information about some Interesting things that You have Seen and/or Heard. Let Us get the Conversations Started. Let’s Get The Conversations Started. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More News from Around The World: From “Trump Says Only ‘Fools’ See Good Ties With Russia as Bad”. From “MIT makes compressed graphene sponge material that is 20 times less dense than steel but 10 times stronger, light as stryofoam but stronger than steel”. From “Chilean Navy release top secret footage of UFO 'leaking gas'”. In the year 1977, The Portland Trail Blazers Basketball Team won the NBA Championship. And from “1977 NBA Championship | Portland Trail Blazers”. From “Mysterious fast radio bursts originate from distant dwarf galaxy”. From “The mesentery: A 'new' organ you didn't know you had”. Here is a Quote from Charles Hard Townes, and He also won a Nobel Prize in Physics, and He helped found The Field of Laser Science: “I strongly believe in the existence of God, based on intuition, observations, logic, and also scientific knowledge.” Here is a Quote from Winston Churchill: “You have Enemies? Good. It means You’ve Stood Up for Something in Your Life.” What do You Think? Many Individuals believe that The Moon Landing was Faked. And here is a Quote from Someone, and The Original Quote is in all Capitalized Letters: “The Very First Moon Landing of Apollo 11[.] So Who Took this Picture?” And More News from Around The World: From “'Tooth repair drug' may replace fillings”. From “Kendall Jenner Opens Up About Her Struggle With Anxiety”. From “Mysterious radio signal traced to dwarf galaxy light-years away”. From “Trump: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing”. From “Hubble Detects Signs Of A Young Exoplanet”. From “U.S. Navy ship fired warning shots at Iranian vessels”. From “2016 was Clinton's last campaign, longtime aide says”. From “Chilean Navy Releases UFO Footage From 2014”. From “Chemists Accidentally Created a Battery That Could Last a Lifetime”. From “Chilean Navy release top secret footage of UFO 'leaking gas'”. From “MIT makes compressed graphene sponge material that is 20 times less dense than steel but 10 times stronger, light as stryofoam but stronger than steel”. From “Chilean navy declassifies inexplicable UFO footage after 2yr investigation”. From “Clapper: Alleged Russian Hacking Efforts 'Did Not Change the Vote Tallies'”. From “Texas A&M Galveston professor fails entire class”. From “Trump Says Only ‘Fools’ See Good Ties With Russia as Bad”. And Some More of My Writings: CD9E. Ear to the Ground (ETTG). Heard Through The Grapevine (HTTG). By Word of Mouth (BWOM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD10E. Metaphorical Ear to the Ground (METTG). Metaphorically Heard Through The Grapevine (MHTTG). Metaphorically By Word of Mouth (MBWOM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: CD11E. Informant. Informants. Information. Informative. Non-Informative (NI). Not Informative (NI). Inform. Informs. Informing. Informed. Not Inform (NI). Not Informs (NI). Not Informing (NI). Not Informed (NI). Info. Misinform. Misinforms. Misinforming. Misinformed. Misinformation. Disinformation. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More News from Around The World: From “Drug Stocks Drop as Trump Backs Price Bidding”. From “Orlando: Manhunt for suspected cop killer expands; reward now $100,000”. From “Trump: Drug companies 'getting away with murder'”. From “Trump taps vaccine skeptic Kennedy to launch review”. From “Tom Hiddleston Apologizes for Controversial Golden Globes Speech: 'My Words Just Came Out Wrong'”. From “Former senator tossed from plane after complaining”. From “Clare Hollingworth, reporter who broke news of World War Two, dies aged 105”. From “Groundbreaking UFO Video Just Released By Chilean Navy”. From “Robert Kennedy Jr, prominent vaccine sceptic, to head Trump commission on vaccine safety”. From “Martin Shkreli kicked off Twitter, Periscope”. From “Trump: Only 'stupid' people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing”. From “'Tooth repair drug' may replace fillings”. From “Mysterious radio signal traced to dwarf galaxy light-years away”. Here is a Quote from Someone, and The Original Quote is in all Capitalized Letters: “You are a Child of God[,] Destined for Glory and Called to do Great Things in His Name.” In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We Survive. And We Thrive. And We Survive, and We also Thrive.” Here is a Quote from Someone: “The truth is the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it.” And Here is a Quote from Walt Whitman: “I swear to you, there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell.” There are Many Interesting Movies to watch, including The Movies called, “Children of Men,” and “Outbreak”. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “My First, Middle, and Last Names have several different Meanings and Definitions in several Languages. And this is also true for My Ancestors’ Names. And one of the Meanings and Definitions of one of My Names in a Language is, ‘Pure.’” Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Man asked a Woman, “Wouldn’t it be great if – just as how Computer Software Applications can often be Enlarged or be made Smaller with the click of a button – that Worked elsewhere? For example, think if We could click on a button and it made Our Pizzas Twelve Times Larger, and We could click on another button and it made some Types of Vegetables Twelve Times Smaller.” Not Everyone can do Everything. And Not Everyone can do Everything Extremely Well. And, when I was a Kid, I remember watching a Children’s Television Program (which was both Instructional and Entertaining), where one of the Characters was able to Reach Up High -- although that Character was Not able to Reach Low -- and the other Character was able to Reach Low -- although That Character was Not able to Reach Up High -- and The Characters Helped each other accomplish Good Goals, with both of The Characters using their Father God-Given Abilities to The Best of Their Abilities. And The Characters were in a Symbiotic and Mutually Beneficial Relationship. Here is a Quote from Someone: “The moment you pray, God sets miracles into motion.” And More News from Around The World: From “Michaels recalls 80,000 Himalayan salt lamps”. From “Motorist who assisted wounded trooper: He would have died”. From “Mystery flashing lights speed past International Space Station”. From “Woman died from superbug resistant to all available antibiotics in U.S.”. From “Ruby seadragon filmed for the first time”. From “Twitter user suspended for "calling out bigotry"”. From “US woman dies of infection resistant to all 26 available antibiotics”. From “Yellow Fever Outbreak in Brazil Prompts a State of Emergency”. From “M'mm M'mm Good: 'Personal satisfaction' highest in 16 years”. From “Thousands of Himalayan Salt Lamps Recalled For Shock, Fire Hazard”. And More News from Around The World: From “Superbug may be more widespread than thought”. From “Drug-resistant 'nightmare bacteria' show worrisome ability to diversify and spread”. From “Analysis: Antibiotic apocalypse”. From “What You Need to Know About the Deadly 'Superbug' Infection Resistant to All FDA-Approved Antibiotics”. From “Antibiotic Apocalypse: Scientists Warn that Humans Are Losing War with Bacteria”. And More News from Around The World: From “Antibiotic Apocalypse: Scientists Warn that Humans Are Losing War with Bacteria”. From “Superbug may be more widespread than thought”. From “Drug-resistant 'nightmare bacteria' show worrisome ability to diversify and spread”. From “Analysis: Antibiotic apocalypse”. From “What You Need to Know About the Deadly 'Superbug' Infection Resistant to All FDA-Approved Antibiotics”. From “CIA publishes its history, nearly 13 million pages of documents online”. From “UFO sightings & psychic powers revealed in newly released CIA docs”. From “CIA Releases 13 Million Pages Of Declassified Documents: Include Psychic Experiments, UFO Research”. From “CIA admits it carried out secret psychic experiments on Uri Geller - getting him to PREDICT agents drawings from the next room”. From “Obama pardons retired Gen. James Cartwright for lying during leak probe”. From “’We have to end it’: Trump takes over Islamic State fight, vowing to finish it”. From “Pentagon readies aggressive ISIS proposals for Trump”. From “Exclusive: Trump Operative Roger Stone Survives Assassination Attempt”. From “Pentagon readies aggressive ISIS proposals for Trump”. From “Giant Mystery Wave Spotted in Atmosphere of Venus”. Here is a Quote from a Fellow Writer, George Orwell: “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Some Jokes that I Wrote: The 9 Year Old Boy Stood in Line to Vote for the US President, as did a 10 Year Old Girl. Another Joke that I Wrote: Speculation and Hearsay Joke in a Courtroom: The Man said while on The Courtroom’s Witness Stand: “Well, I heard from My Aunt Sally that She Might have Heard from someone that they might have Heard that someone else Speculated that someone else Heard that a guy named Jim said that He might have heard . . .” The Following are Two often True Quotes: “You don’t Really Know what You have Until after it’s gone,” and, “You don’t Miss Something Until after it’s gone.” And More of My Writings: CD12E. Some Individuals believe in, for example, Astral Projection. In one of My Writings, The Man said, “We Choose Not to Prop Up Illusions. And We Choose Not to Prop Up Deception. And We Will Not Deceive Ourselves. And We Choose to Live in Reality. And We Choose to Embrace Reality. And We Choose to be Truthful. And We Choose to be Honest.” And More News from Around The World: From “Two-Thirds of World Has Herpes Virus”. And I think that there is a Major Problem when an Estimated 66 Percent of The World’s Population has the Herpes Virus. And I believe that Many Reasonable People would conclude that there is a Major Problem when an Estimated 66 Percent of The World’s Population has the Herpes Virus. What’s Next? How Many People will, for example, have Herpes in the Next 10 Years? The Question becomes: What’s Next? And it is an Extremely Bad Sign when an Estimated 66 Percent of The World’s Population currently has Herpes. And it is an Extremely Bad Indication when an Estimated 66 Percent of The World’s Population currently has Herpes. From Who.Intl: “Why the Ebola outbreak has been underestimated”. From “The shocking number of new STD cases each year”. From “Massive networks of fake accounts found on Twitter”. From “Unusual Rat Virus Strikes 8 People in Illinois and Wisconsin”. From “Globally, 1 in 13 suffers from anxiety”. From “Cervical cancer death rates are much higher than thought, study says”. From “Why Is This Fed Official Worried About a Solar Storm?”. From “A Monster Solar Storm Could Cost the US $40 Billion Daily”. From “Mars investigating spilled Skittles headed for cattle feed”. From “Pet rats linked to virus outbreak, CDC says”. From “Aaron Rodgers says he, others caught bug going around Packers' locker room”. From “What to really say and do when bad things happen”. From “Trump brings Churchill bust back to Oval Office”. And More News from Around The World: From “Hmm, this moon looks remarkably like the Death Star”. And, as some Individuals know, The Death Star was featured in a Popular Science Fiction Movie. From “Hundreds of students affected by Mumps outbreak”. From The “Australia Finalizes Plan To Kill Carp With Herpes Virus”. From “Australia wants to wipe out carp with herpes”. From “Brazil sees sharp rise in yellow fever cases”. From “Paris Jackson Believes Her Father Was Murdered: Plus 8 Other Things We Learned from Her Rolling Stone Interview”. In One of My Writings, The Man asked, “Who? What? Where? Why? How? When? Which One? Which Ones? Which One of Them? Which One of Us? Which Ones of Them? Which Ones of Us?” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here is a Quote from Someone: “ ‘You’re gonna be happy,’ said life, ‘but first I’ll make you strong.’ ” There used to be, of course, The Ice Age. And Father God made it so that temperatures, of course, go Up, and temperatures, of course, go Down, and so, of course, there is Climate Change: The Climate Changes. Here is a Quote from Christine Caine: “God is able to take the mess of our past and turn it into a message. He takes the trials and tests and turns them into a testimony.” And Here is a Quote from Someone, and The Original Quote is in all Capitalized Letters: “God understands Our Prayers even when We can’t find The Words to Say Them.” There is The Saying, “Once a Marine, Always a Marine.” And Here is a Quote from Someone, and The Original Quote is in all Capitalized Letters: “There are No Ex-Marines. Our Title is Earned, Never Given. And What’s Earned is Yours Forever.” Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman, “I only know how to say one word.” And The Woman replied, “Which word is that?” And The Man said, “The Word is Zeroed.” And The Woman replied, “But You know, for example, the Words, ‘I only know how to say one word. The Word is Zeroed.’ So what is the only one word that You know how to say?” And The Man replied, “I only know how to say one word, and that word is Zeroed.” And The Woman replied, “But You just said . . .” And More of My Writings: CD13E. A (Reasonable) Person. A (Reasonable) Person Believes [ ]. A (Reasonable) Person Knows [ ]. A (Reasonable) Person [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD14E. (Reasonable) People. (Reasonable) People Believe [ ]. (Reasonable) People Know [ ]. (Reasonable) People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD15E. Some (Reasonable) People. Some (Reasonable) People Believe [ ]. Some (Reasonable) People Know [ ]. Some (Reasonable) People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD16E. Many (Reasonable) People. Many (Reasonable) People Believe [ ]. Many (Reasonable) People Know [ ]. Many (Reasonable) People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: CD17E. No [ ]. None [ ]. Zero [ ]. One [ ]. Some [ ]. Many [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: CD18E. A Reasonable Person. A Reasonable Person Believes [ ]. A Reasonable Person Knows [ ]. A Reasonable Person [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD19E. Reasonable People. Reasonable People Believe [ ]. Reasonable People Know [ ]. Reasonable People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD20E. Some Reasonable People. Some Reasonable People Believe [ ]. Some Reasonable People Know [ ]. Some Reasonable People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD21E. Many Reasonable People. Many Reasonable People Believe [ ]. Many Reasonable People Know [ ]. Many Reasonable People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: CD22E. A Person. A Person Believes [ ]. A Person Knows [ ]. A Person [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD23E. People. People Believe [ ]. People Know [ ]. People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD24E. Some People. Some People Believe [ ]. Some People Know [ ]. Some People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD25E. Many People. Many People Believe [ ]. Many People Know [ ]. Many People [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: CD26E. We. We Believe [ ]. We Know [ ]. We [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD27E. Some of Us. Some of Us Believe [ ]. Some of Us Know [ ]. Our [ ]. Some of Us [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD27E2. Many of Us. Many of Us Believe [ ]. Many of Us Know [ ]. Our [ ]. Many of Us [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD28E. They. They Believe [ ]. They Know [ ]. They [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD29E. Some of Them. Some of Them Believe [ ]. Some of Them Know [ ]. Some of Them [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD29E2. Many of Them. Many of Them Believe [ ]. Many of Them Know [ ]. Many of Them [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD30E. He. He Believes [ ]. He Knows [ ]. He [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD31E. She. She Believes [ ]. She Knows [ ]. She [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD32E. That Person. That Person Believes [ ]. That Person Knows [ ]. That Person [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD33E. Those People. Those People Believe [ ]. Those People Know [ ]. Those People [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD34E. Some of Those People. Some of Those People Believe [ ]. Some of Those People Know [ ]. Some of Those People [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD35E. Some People. Some People Believe [ ]. Some People Know [ ]. Some People [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD36E. Some. Some Believe [ ]. Some Know [ ]. Some [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD37E. Many of Those People. Many of Those People Believe [ ]. Many of Those People Know [ ]. Many of Those People [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD38E. Many People. Many People Believe [ ]. Many People Know [ ]. Many People [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD39E. Many. Many Believe [ ]. Many Know [ ]. Many [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD40E. I. I Believe [ ]. I Know [ ]. I [ ]. At this Time (ATT). At that Time (ATT). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD41E. [ ]. [ ]. You can Metaphorically Fill in The Blanks with Your Comments. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here is a Joke told to Me by a Family Member (FM) and Wrote with Her Permission: "Do You want Me to Untie this Shoe's Knot, or Not?" And More News from Around The World: From “Evanger's dog, cat food recalled due to possible death”. From “Trump says America isn't so innocent”. From “Trump Asks 'What Do You Think? Our Country's So Innocent?'”. From “Travel Ban Block Appealed as Trump Slams 'So-Called' Judge”. From “Trump Slams 'So-Called Judge' Who Blocked Immigration Order”. From “Scientists produce electricity by evaporating water from a chunk of soot”. From “Scientists Have Turned Cooking Oil Into a Material 200 Times Stronger Than Steel”. From “Forget Atlantis: 'Lost continent' found under Indian Ocean”. From “Paralyzed patients communicate thoughts via brain-computer interface”. From “Locked-in patients tell doctors they are happy after computer reads thoughts”. From “Paralyzed man regains use of arms and hands after experimental stem cell therapy at Keck Hospital of USC”. From “Proliferation of bird flu outbreaks raises risk of human pandemic”. From “Hmm, this moon looks remarkably like the Death Star”. From “Tenn. teen wrote Ashley Judds Nasty Woman poem”. From “FDA: Toss homeopathic teething tablets with belladonna”. From “Rogue National Park Service Twitter account says it’s no longer run by government employees but maybe it never was”. From “Mike Pence First Vice President to Address March for Life”. From “'Life is winning': Pence fired up March for Life crowd”. From “Proliferation of bird flu outbreaks raises risk of human pandemic”. From “For This Metal, Electricity Flows, But Not the Heat”. From “Two infants treated with universal immune cells have their cancer vanish”. From “First paralyzed human treated with stem cells has now regained his upper body movement”. From “Australia wants to wipe out carp with herpes”. From “Cervical cancer death rates are much higher than thought, study says”. Sometimes the Best Action is Inaction. And Sometimes the Best Action is No Action. And Sometimes the Best Action is Inertia. And Sometimes the Best Action is Little Action. And Sometimes the Best Action is only Some Action. And Sometimes the Best Action is a lot of Action. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a Waitress at a Restaurant: “I would like a PB&J.” And The Waitress said: “A Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Coming Up.” And The Man replied: “No, a PB &J as in a Peanut Brittle and Jalapeno Sandwich. And please have Someone nearby in case they have to do the Heimlich Maneuver on Me.” Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Woman said to The Man, “Why have You Removed The Stop Buttons for The Microwave, The Blender, and The Washing and Drying Machines?” And The Man replied, “You told Me to Pull out all The Stops, and that’s what I did.” And The Woman said, “I was Speaking Metaphorically.” And The Man replied, “As I have said before, I only Speak The English Language, and I don’t Speak The Metaphor Language.” And More News from Around The World: From “New Dead Sea Scrolls cave discovered”. From “Judge Denies Robin Thicke’s Request for Unsupervised Visitation As Source Says He Wants to Show He Is a Responsible Dad”. From “Trump tweets Nordstrom treated Ivanka 'so unfairly'”. From “Hebrew University archaeologists find 12th Dead Sea Scrolls cave”. From “Nordstrom assailed by Trump for dropping daughter's brand”. From “Jake Tapper and Kellyanne Conway Clashed. Will Critics Take On Tapper?”. From “Pelley Opens 'CBS Evening News' by Calling Trump 'Divorced From Reality'”. From “Book of Enoch”. From “Biblical apocrypha”. From “TJ Maxx & Marshalls scrap signs and displays for Ivanka Trump's brand”. From “Donald Trump says terror attacks in Europe not reported”. From “Nicolas Sarkozy to face fraud trial”. From “Trump Says Terror Attacks Have Been Going Unreported”. From “China proposes further tightening of internet oversight”. From “Syria's Secret Mass Executions”. From “Chinese ships sail near disputed Japanese islands”. From “Evanger's Dog Food recalled for possible Pentobarbital contamination”. From “13,000 people hanged in secret at Syrian prison, Amnesty says”. From “Britney Spears asks for prayers for her niece”. From “Vizio agrees to pay $2.2 million to settle FTCs television-spying case”. From “World leaders duped by manipulated global warming data”. From “Trump says Pence to lead voter registration fraud probe, leaves door open on Iran deal future”. From “Pence Defends Trump's 'So-Called Judge' Attacks”. And More of My Writings: CD42E. Intelligence. Intelligences. Intel. Intels. A Type of Intelligence (ATOI). Type of Intelligence (TOI). Types of Intelligence (TOI). Knowledge. Knowledges. Knowledgeable. Knowledgeability. Knowledgeabilities. A Type of Knowledge (ATOK). Type of Knowledge (TOK). Types of Knowledge (TOK). [ ]. [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: CD43E. Writer. Writers. Writer Member (WM). Writer Members (WM). Writing. Writings. Wrote. Written. Essay. Essays. Essayist. Essayists. Book. Books. Author. Authors. Letter. Letters. Man of Letters (MOL). Men of Letters (MOL). Woman of Letters (WOL). Women of Letters (WOL). Paper. Papers. Position Paper (PP). Position Papers (PP). Journal. Journals. Journalist. Journalists. Article. Articles. Newspaper Article (NA). Newspaper Articles (NA). Opinion Piece (OP). Opinion Pieces (OP). Report. Reports. Reporter. Reporters. Reporting. Reported. Blogger. Bloggers. Blogger Member (BM). Blogger Members (BM). Blog. Blogs. Blogging. Blogged. Blog Writing (BW). Blog Writings (BW). Website. Websites. Website Writing (WW). Website Writings (WW). Profession. Professions. Professional. Professionals. Profession Member (PM). Profession Members (PM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). CD44E. Intelligence Report (IR). Intelligence Reports (IR). Intel Report (IR). Intel Reports (IR). A Type of Intelligence Report (ATOIR). Type of Intelligence Report (TOIR). Type(s) of Intelligence Reports (TOIR). Knowledge Report (KR). Knowledge Reports (KR). Knowledgeable Report (KR). Knowledgeable Reports (KR). Knowledgeability Report (KR). Knowledgeability Reports (KR). A Type of Knowledge Report (ATOKR). Type of Knowledge Report (TOKR). Type(s) of Knowledge Reports (TOKR). [ ]. [ ]. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here is a Quote from Someone: “I know because I was there.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More News from Around The World: From The “This Accidental Snow Guardian Tracked Snowfall for 40 Winters”. From “Ciara Was Glowing Make-Up Free While Flaunting Wet Hair And A Big Ol' Belly”. From “Mysterious orange alligator spotted in South Carolina”. From “How algorithms (secretly) run the world”. From The Voice of America News ( “Austrian Authorities Seek Hitler Double Seen Around Birthplace”. From “Mexico Building Fence on Its Southern Border”. From “Anna Nicole Smith's bodyguard/pallbearer breaks silence after 10 years”. From “CIA files reveal how U.S. used psychics to spy on Iran”. From “Russia considers giving Edward Snowden as 'gift' to Trump”. From “A full moon, lunar eclipse and comet all in one evening? It happens tonight”. From “White House rebukes Kellyanne Conway for promoting Ivanka Trump products”. From “GO BACK! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!: Protestors Block Betsy DeVos From Entering DC School”. From “A full moon, lunar eclipse and comet all in one evening? It happens tonight.”. From “As bee populations dwindle, robot bees may pick up some of their pollination slack”. And More of My Writings: CD45E. Dossier. Dossier on [ ]. Dossiers. Dossiers on [ ].Information. Info. Informative. Informatively. Important. Importance. Importantly. File. File on [ ]. Files. Files on [ ]. Report. Reports. Editor. Editors. Editorial. Editorials. Editorialize. Editorializing. Factual. Factually. Fact. Facts. Objective. Objectives. Objectively. Subject. Subjects. Subjective. Subjectively. Balanced. Well-Balanced (WB). Proportion. Proportions. Proportional. Proportionally. Well-Proportioned (WP). Content. Contents. Contain. Contains. Containing. Contained. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More of My Writings: CD46E. An Accountant and/or a Book Keeper (BK) often tries to Balance The Book(s) (BTB). The Balanced Book (TBB and BB). The Balanced Books (TBB and BB). Balance. Balances. Balancing. Balanced. Well-Balanced (WB). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More News from Around The World: From “Scientists Drill Volcano to Harness Its Awesome Energy”. From “United flight delayed after plainclothes pilot's rant”. From “Lost chamber in King Tut’s tomb to be OPENED revealing secret hidden for 3,300 years”. From “How can we trust global warming scientists asks David Rose”. From “Dept. of Education apologizes for misspelling W.E.B. Du Bois”. From “It's Groundhog Day. Throw some social media shade”. Here is a Quote from a Fellow Writer, Mark Twain: "Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it." In one of My Writings, The Man said to Someone: “You have a Disease. And You should have the Correct Priorities.” Correct Priority (CP). Correct Priorities (CP). Priority. Priorities. Prioritize. Prioritizes. Prioritizing. Prioritized. Prioritization. Prioritizations. Disease. Diseases. Diseased. Medicine. Medicines. Med. Meds. Medication. Medications. Medicate. Medicates. Medicating. Medicated. Medicinal. Medicinally. Under Control (UC). Not Under Control (NUC). Manage. Manages. Managing. Managed. Well-Managed (WM). About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). One of My Writings is called, “The Blonde, Shapeshifting Lizard”. And More News from Around The World: From National Public Radio ( “Iron Age Potters Carefully Recorded Earth's Magnetic Field By Accident”. From “Scientists Discover 60 New Planets, Some Similar To Earth”. From “Howard Stern Sued for Broadcasting Woman's Conversation With IRS”. From “Kim Jong-uns half-brother assassinated”. From The “Harrison Ford Under Investigation After Close Call With Passenger Plane”. From The “FBI needs to explain why Flynn was recorded, Intelligence Committee chairman says”. From “Michael Savage: Flynn a scapegoat”. From “Hitler's double was wandering around Austria. Now hes going to jail”. From “North Korean leader's half brother was killed by women wielding 'poison needles'”. From “Politico: Hillary Clinton Is Running Again”. From “John Waters: A new kind of anarchy is going to happen next”. From “Jerry Sandusky's son charged with child sex abuse”. From The “Mish Michaels isn't alone: Many meteorologists question climate change science”. From “Lance Armstrong handed defeat by federal judge”. From “Top Trump aide says White House has 'enormous evidence' of voter fraud”. Joke Times: Here is a Joke that was Partially Contributed by a Family Member (FM), and Wrote with Her Permission: The Taxi Driver told the Passenger, “You owe 9 Million Dollars for that Ride.” And The Passenger said, “9 Million Dollars?!! Was there a Time Warp or Something!?? The Fare should have been about 20 dollars.” And The Taxi Driver said, “The Fare was, to be exact, 21 dollars and 55 cents.” And The Passenger replied, “What?!! Then why are You charging Me 9 Million Dollars?” And The Taxi Driver replied, “If you had read the contract posted to the Window of This Taxi Cab, it states that by using this Service You agree that You will be charged a Surcharge of at least 8 Million dollars for the privilege of wearing on Your Clothes some of the dog hair that is on the seats of the car.” And The Passenger said, “Oh, that makes sense. And the Most Important thing in Life is to obey all Contracts. Now, Who should I make the Check out to?” Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Man said to a Woman, “Why do the News Stations on Television keep on calling events, ‘Breaking News’? What Broke? And should I get the Vacuum cleaner and Broom to Sweep up The News that Broke?!” And More News from Around The World: From “Ancient Jars Found In Judea Show Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Fluctuating, Not Diminishing”. From “Scientists discover 'Zealandia' - a hidden continent off the coast of Australia”. From “White House Plans to Have Trump Ally Review Intelligence Agencies”. From “Over half of psychology studies fail reproducibility test”. From “Burger King cook fired for taking 75 cents' worth of food wins lawsuit”. From “Another Alzheimer's Drug Study Fails. This Time It's Merck's”. From “After Kim Jong-Nam, a look at North Korea’s history of state killings”. From “'Morning Joe' Host Bans Kellyanne Conway From Show”. From “Drug catapult found attached to Mexican side of US border fence”. From “Watergate scandal”. From “Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump”. From “Trump attacks media, intelligence community over reports of Russia ties”. From “Trump denies Russia 'conspiracy theories' ”. From “Merck is dropping tests of a once-promising Alzheimer's drug”. From “Donald Trump: 'Russian connection non-sense' is cover for Hillary Clinton’s 'many mistakes' ”. From “Scammers Posing As ICE Agents Shake Down Latino New Yorkers”. From “ ‘Morning Joe’ bans Trump aide Kellyanne Conway”. From “Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity.” And More of My Writings: CD47E. Insight. Insights. Insightful. Insightfulness. Insightfully. Inside. Insider. Insiders. Info. Information. Informative. Inside Information (II). Insider Information (II). Secret. Secrets. Secretly. Secretive. Secretively. Secret Information (SI). Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important (EI). Not Important (NI). Not Very Important (NVI). Not Extremely Important (NEI). Kind of (KO). Sort of (SO). Misc. Miscellaneous. About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). Here is a Rhyme of Mine: The Man ate a Crouton while Relaxing on a Futon, and while Thinking about Eating Some Mutton. Here is a Joke that I Wrote: Mr. Adam Smith was Grocery Shopping when a Man named Mr. John Smith said to Adam, “Adam, glad to see You Here. I’m John Smith, and We are Friends on a Social Network.” And Adam replied, “This is Not Possible. This is Not Happening. And this is Not Real.” And John said, “What?! What do You mean?!! Here, let’s Shake Hands and then You will know that I am Really Real.” And then They both Shook Hands. And Adam said, “But We are Online Friends.” And John replied, “So?” And Adam said, “You mean to tell Me that Online Friends are Real Friends, and that You don’t Live on a Computer Server somewhere? You mean that You are Not a Computer Program pretending to be a Real Person? You are a Real Person? And We Just Shook Hands? And My approximately 25,000 Online Friends are My Real Friends, who are actually Real People, who can, for example, meet Me at a Grocery Store?! Online Friends Equal Real Friends. And Online Friends Equal Real People. I’m Stunned.” Here is a Joke that I Wrote: At a Restaurant, The Man went over to a Table, and He said to another Man, “My Nickname is Buddy, and I overheard Your Conversation, and did You say, ‘No Buddy,’ or did You say ‘Nobody’? And there is a Bid Difference.” Here is a Quote from an Astronaut: “We can only Fly in Earth Orbit. That is the Farthest We can Go.” And Here are some Lyrics to The Religious Song, “The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning”: “The Veil o’er The Earth is beginning to Burst.” Here are some often True Sayings: “There are Bigger Fish to Fry,” and, “A Stitch in Time Saves Nine,” and, “One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure,” and, “One Woman’s Trash is Another Woman’s Treasure,” and, “One Person’s Trash is Another Person’s Treasure,” and “The Chickens have Come Home to Roost,” and, “It’s Time to Pay The Piper,” and, “You have Made Your Bed, Now Lay in it,” and, “Don’t Throw out The Baby with The Bath Water,” and, “You don’t Miss Something Until it’s Gone,” and, “The Apple doesn’t Fall Far from Tree,” and, in The Past Tense: “There were Bigger Fish to Fry,” and “A Stitch in Time Saved Nine,” and, “One Man’s Trash was Another Man’s Treasure,” and, “One Woman’s Trash was Another Woman’s Treasure,” and, “One Person’s Trash was Another Person’s Treasure,” and “The Chickens Came Home to Roost,” and, “It was Time to Pay The Piper, ” and, “The Apple didn’t Fall Far from Tree.” About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). And More News from Around The World: From “Sargento expands cheese recall: Here's the new list”. From “Astronomers find 7 Earth-size planets where life is possible”. From “Escher-like playground hidden in the jungle”. From “Is James O'Keefe About To Smoke CNN? Tells Hannity He's Set To Release "Hundreds of Hours" Of Newsroom Footage "Wikileaks Style"”. From “NASA scientists want to make Pluto a planet again”. From “Rembrandt sketch 'hidden' for 250 years found”. From The “James O'Keefe Threatens To Release 'Hundreds Of Hours' Of Leaked Newsroom Footage Soon”. From “Tuskegee syphilis experiment”. From “Stem Cell Transplants May Help Some With Multiple Sclerosis”. From The “Your Samsung SmartTV Is Spying on You, Basically”. From “Two-thirds of the world population has herpes”. From “Scientists hold rally in Boston to protest threat to science”. From “McCain defends the media in NBC interview”. From “Trump declares 'fake news' media 'the enemy of the American people'”. From “Paris authorities order volunteers to stop giving food to refugees”. From “Nasa live feed cuts as 'six large UFOs' creep past International Space Station”. From “Why Killer Viruses Are On The Rise”. From “Trump Declares CNN, NYT, CBS, ABC And NBC Are "The Enemy of The American People"”. From “McConnell on Trump: I Like His Policies, Not His Tweets”. From “Trump team refutes report on proposal for National Guard immigrant roundup”. From “CIA director denies withholding intelligence from Trump”. From “Exclusive: Few Rogue Border Agents Resist Trump Policies”. From “NYC Dad Outraged Over Daughter's 'Anti-Trump' Homework Question”. From “Trump Fans Want Shepard Smith’s Head for Slamming President on Fox News”. Here is a Joke that I Wrote: The Woman said to The Man, “What are You doing to that Coin?” And The Man replied, “This Coin is a Penny, and I’m Pinching it, as someone said that I was a ‘Penny Pincher.’ And, in a Few Seconds, I’ll be Flipping this Penny, in case someone says that I’m a ‘Penny Flipper’.”

1 comment:

  1. My dad was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 57.his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimate life clinic they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this to anyone who needs help.
